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The History of England - Volume 1 Part 2

David Hume

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The History of England - Volume 1 Part 2 | David Hume

The History of England - Volume 1 Part 2

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David Hume is one of the great philosophers of the Western intellectual tradition. His philosophical writings earned him lasting fame and renown; his historical writing earned his bread and butter. His "The History of England from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution of 1688", published between 1754 and 1764, was immensely popular and Hume wrote that "the copy-money given me by the booksellers much exceeded any thing formerly known in England; I was become not only independent, but opulent." The six volume work has had numerous editions and is still in print today. David Hume and Thomas Babington Macaulay have frequently been compared as the premier English historians but we don't have to choose because Macaulay begins where Hume leaves off.

This is Volume 1B which covers the reigns of Henry III to Richard III.
country gave the Welsh at first some advantage over Luke de Tany, one of Edward's captains, who had passed the Menau with a detachment;[*] but Lewelly, being surprised by Mortimer, was defeated and slain in an action, and two thousand of his followers were put to the sword.[**] David, who succeeded him in the principality, could never collect an army sufficient to face the English; and being chased from hill to hill, and hunted from one retreat to another, was obliged to conceal himself under various disguises, and was at last betrayed in his lurking-place to the enemy.


Edward sent him in chains to Shrewsbury; and bringing him to a formal trial before all the peers of England, ordered this sovereign prince to be hanged, drawn, and quartered, as a traitor, for defending by arms the liberties of his native country, together with his own hereditary authority.[***] All the Welsh nobility submitted to the conqueror; the laws of England, with the sheriffs and other ministers of justice, were established in that principality; and though it was long before national antipathies were extinguished, and a thorough union attained between the people, yet this important conquest, which it had required eight hundred years fully to effect, was at last, through the abilities of Edward, completed by the English.


The king, sensible that nothing kept alive the ideas of military valor and of ancient glory so much as the traditional poetry of the people, which, assisted by the power of music and the jollity of festivals, made deep impression on the minds of the youth, gathered together all the Welsh bards, and from a barbarous, though not absurd policy, ordered them to be put to death.[****]

Philip 09/20/2023
Very hard going. Lots of cross references. Lots of difficult similar sounding names. Authoritative, possibly but most older citations are single documents written long after the events. Accurate contemporaneous accounts are unlikely. Writing style is definitely one for academia not light reading.
Bill 11/13/2021

What can you do once you have completed Gibbon's The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire but still yearn for more? Can any other history survive comparison with its deliberate opinions, its vast scope, its lofty style? Well, it took me twenty years, but I have stumbled upon an answer: you can read
Anderstu 04/16/2016
Yes! The wonderful thing about reading an old history is that you learn about two periods in one fell swoop: the period described and the period in which it is written. On top of that, I really appreciate Hume's obvious charm and wit and perspective. His treatment of Beckett is interesting and refre
Richard 07/01/2015
Several years ago, my son-in-law gave me the six-volume history of England by David Hume. I put it on a shelf, admiring how impressive the books looked there. The sheer size of the work was intimidating; starting it seemed like a big commitment. Plus, the fact that it had been written in mid-18th Ce
Frederick 02/07/2014
Clearly, from Hume's perspective the early Anglo-Saxons were barbarians, the Norman kings of England were pure thugs no better than the popular view today of the Mafia, and the church at Rome was the evil empire. Reading Hume is very entertaining as long as you don't expect anything even remotely li
Steve 09/28/2013
"Such was the idea which the popes then entertained of the English: and nothing can be a stronger proof of the miserable ignorance in which that people were then plunged, than that a man, who sat on the papal throne, and who subsisted by absurdities and nonsense, should think himself entitled to tre
Patrick\ 04/23/2008
One word to desribe it: "incredible." All done without a proper library. Appealed to all for its frankness. No not painting the wart on the King's nose. And why am I the only one to rate this book?

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