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Heart of the West

O. Henry

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Heart of the West | O. Henry

Heart of the West

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A collection of short stories by the legendary O. Henry.
ars lovely and bright to-night, Mr. Pratt?"

"For the chance they've got," says I, "they're humping themselves in a mighty creditable way. That big one you see is sixty-six million miles distant. It took thirty-six years for its light to reach us. With an eighteen-foot telescope you can see forty-three millions of 'em, including them of the thirteenth magnitude, which, if one was to go out now, you would keep on seeing it for twenty-seven hundred years."

"My!" says Mrs. Sampson. "I never knew that before. How warm it is! I'm as damp as I can be from dancing so much."

"That's easy to account for," says I, "when you happen to know that you've got two million sweat-glands working all at once. If every one of your perspiratory ducts, which are a quarter of an inch long, was placed end to end, they would reach a distance of seven miles."

"Lawsy!" says Mrs. Sampson. "It sounds like an irrigation ditch you was describing, Mr. Pratt. How do you get all this knowledge of information?"

"From observation, Mrs. Sampson," I tells her. "I keep my eyes open when I go about the world."

"Mr. Pratt," says she, "I always did admire a man of education. There are so few scholars among the sap-headed plug-uglies of this town that it is a real pleasure to converse with a gentleman of culture. I'd be gratified to have you call at my house whenever you feel so inclined."

And that was the way I got the goodwill of the lady in the yellow house. Every Tuesday and Friday evening I used to go there and tell her about the wonders of the universe as discovered, tabulated, and compiled from nature by Herkimer. Idaho and the other gay Lutherans of the town got every minute of the rest of the week that they could.

I never imagined that Idaho was trying to work on Mrs. Sampson with old K. M.'s rules of courtship till one afternoon when I was on my way over to take her a basket of wild hog-plums. I met t

Ashley 01/16/2024
Phenomenal! I would've read this years ago if I'd realized how hilarious O. Henry is. I love the grandiloquent dialogue, which I can't help but suspect does not read exactly the way that authentic cattlemen of the late 1800s would've spoken.
I was familiar with some elements of some of these stories
Dwayne 06/13/2023
Clever, often touching, tales of the Old West.
Sharon 08/03/2021
Really love his ending twists.
Beverly 07/01/2017
I have always heard about O. Henry, but had never read any of his works. This was an enjoyable romp through the Old West, with typical O. Henry type endings. Most of the books involve romance in some form or other, often with unexpected conclusions.

The narrator was perfect for these stories. Just en

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