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Jacob Abbott

Book Overview: 

Hannibal was a Carthaginian military commander and tactician. He is generally considered to be one of the greatest military commanders of all time. This volume is dedicated to Hannibal.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Sicily, and from Sicily to the African coast, with a view of threatening the Carthaginian capital. This plan, if successful, would compel the Carthaginians to recall a part or the whole of Hannibal's army from the intended invasion of Italy to defend their own African homes.

The Roman fleet.

The force raised by the Romans amounted to about seventy thousand men. About a third of these were Roman soldiers, and the remainder were drawn from various nations dwelling in Italy and in the islands of the Mediterranean Sea which were in alliance with the Romans. Of these troops six thousand were cavalry. Of [Pg 64]course, as the Romans intended to cross into Africa, they needed a fleet. They built and equipped one, which consisted of two hundred and twenty ships of the largest class, that is, quinqueremes, besides a number of smaller and lighter vessels for services requiring speed. There were vessels in use in those times larger than the quinqueremes. Mention is occas. . . Read More

Community Reviews

In typical Jacob Abbott fashion (19th century author of history books for kids, he tells a great story. Hannibal shows the folly of great men looking for personal glory through war.

He was a genius strategist and leader of men in getting across the Rhone through trickery, the Alps trough determinati

**Hannibal by Jacob Abbott - A Comprehensive Look into a Legendary Military Strategist**

Jacob Abbott's "Hannibal" offers readers a detailed journey into the life and exploits of one of history's most formidable military leaders. Abbott, known for his knack for historical storytelling, provides a com

Another great historical classic by Jacob Abbott, this brief history of Hannibal is an accessible and generous account of his life and military career. As with almost every great leader of this kind, it has the tragic end to an otherwise astonishing career but it is nevertheless a compelling and int

This book serves as an excellent introduction to one of the most important figures of the ancient world. Hannibal was one of the greatest military generals of the age but his legacy endured in the Roman psyche for centuries after his death.

Sections of the book are a tad brief and I did get the feeli

Hannibal was a Carthaginian general. I learned much about Hannibal beyond the well-known fact that he crossed the Alps with elephants (Africa —> Spain —> France —> Switzerland —> Italy)

The book is a good review of the three wars between Carthage and Rome, called the Punic Wars. (Punic was the langua

Well, this was actually quite disappointing. I probably went into this book with the wrong expectations, but it still ruined it for me. Hannibal Barca, son of Hamilcar Barca, was a Carthaginian general of such brilliance that he is comparable to Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, Pyrrhus of Epirus

Hannibal is one of the most remembered leaders of history. Every history textbook (at least in Europe) writes about his travels through the Alps, his attack of Italy (then the Roman Empire) and his subsequent demise. What many forget is the historical impact that Hannibal has had on the world, what

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