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The Golden Age

Kenneth Grahame

Book Overview: 

The Golden Age is a collection of reminiscences of childhood, written by Kenneth Grahame. Widely praised upon its first appearance - Algernon Charles Swinburne, writing in the Daily Chronicle, called it “one of the few books which are well-nigh too praiseworthy for praise” - the book has come to be regarded as a classic in its genre.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Edward, the most martial spirit of us all, was drearily conjugating amo (of all verbs!) between four walls; while Selina, who ever thrilled ecstatic to a red coat, was struggling with the uncouth German tongue. 'Age,' I reflected, 'carries its penalties.'

It was a grievous disappointment to us that the troop passed through the village unmolested. Every cottage, I pointed out to my companions, ought to have been loopholed, and strongly held. But no opposition was offered to the soldiers: who, indeed, conducted themselves with a recklessness and a want of precaution that seemed simply criminal.[45]

At the last cottage a transitory gleam of common sense flickered across me, and, turning on Charlotte, I sternly ordered her back. The small maiden, docile but exceedingly dolorous, dragged reluctant feet homewards, heavy at heart that she was to behold no stout fellows slain that day; but Harold and I held steadily on, expecting every instant to see the . . . Read More

Community Reviews

Çocukların gözünden yazılan kitapları çok seviyorum. Bu kitabın da en sevdiğim yanı sanki bir yetişkin değil de küçük bir çocuk yazmış gibi sıcacık ve akıcı bir üslubu olması. Olaylar genelde Tom Sawyer benzeri maceralar olsa da gayet güzeldi. Bir de Antik Yunan göndermeleri ayri bir hoşluk katmış.

I read this slowly; it's a book to be savored. Each chapter is like liquid poetry, very subtle, delightful to read any portion allowed. No context needed. It had a story and a flow, but they felt secondary. It was simply like falling in a beautiful memory.

In the Spring of 1990, a friend at college and I read aloud these stories, and those from this book's sequel, Dream Days aloud to each other, usually outdoors on mild sunny days. Simply because of that, I can't help loving these half-forgotten works of Grahame's, despite recognizing that long winded

A lovely blend of the reminiscences of Kenneth Grahame's own childhood experiences, fantasy, metaphor and ancient Greek Legends. I particularly enjoyed reading the chapter 'A white-washed Uncle'.

Mr Toad ("Parp, parp!"), Ratty ("There is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats,"), Mole and Badger – most of us have come across Kenneth Grahame's 1908 children's classic The Wind in the Willows. The strands of the book are based on stories Grahame

"It was incessant matter for amazement how these Olympians would talk over our heads—during meals, for instance — of this or the other social or political inanity, under the delusion that these pale phantasms of reality were among the importances of life. We illuminati, eating silently, our heads fu

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