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The Girl in the Golden Atom

Ray Cummings

Book Overview: 

While examining a golden ring under a microscope, a chemist discovers a sub-atomic world. During his examination of this world he sees a beautiful young girl. After developing chemicals that will allow him to either shrink or grow larger in size, he and three friends journey to this small world.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .I knew I was not so large, now, as when I was here before.

"Remembering the amount of the drug I had taken coming down, I took now twelve of the pills. Then, in a sudden panic, I hastily took two of the others. The result made my head swim most horribly. I sat or lay down, I forget which. When I looked up I saw the hills beyond the river and forest coming towards me, yet dwindling away beneath my feet as they approached. The incline seemed folding up upon itself, like a telescope. As I watched, its upper edge came into view, a curved, luminous line against the blackness above. Every instant it crawled down closer, more sharply curved, and its inclined surface grew steeper.

"All this time, as I stood still, the ground beneath my feet seemed to be moving. It was crawling towards me, and folding up underneath where I was standing. Frequently I had to move to avoid rocks that came at me and passed under my feet into nothingness.

"Then, all at once,. . . Read More

Community Reviews

One of my first thoughts, as I read, was about those old, old text based computer games where, if you wanted the program to repeat a full description every time you entered a room, you could type the command "maximum verbosity"... Someone typed that command with this book!

Keeping in mind this book w

1922-es sci-fi, úgyhogy a női karakterekről szinte felesleges szót ejteni. Viszont az elmélet, miszerint minden atomban egy a miénkhez hasonló világ létezik emberszerű lényekkel, érdekes. Még ha nem is igaz. De látszik a beletett idő és energia, és ha elfogadjuk axiómaként, hogy így van, akkor Cummi

Start with a large dollop of pseudo-science, add in a sizeable portion of H.G. Wells' The Time Machine, a spoonful of Plato's utopia, then a strong-willed young hero, some stalwart friends, an alien heroine with a character stronger than most, a medieval-type alien world - swords preferred over ray

The "Girl" is Lilda and the "Golden Atom" is her subatomic home at the bottom of a valley carved out by an indentation on a gold ring. We find out about her by way of The Chemist, as the story begins he is recounting his discovery to a bunch of the lads; The Doctor, The Wealthy Businessman, The Bank

In Irish author Fitz James O'Brien's classic novella of 1858, entitled "The Diamond Lens," a scientist, employing his newly invented supermicroscope, is able to observe a beautiful young woman who lives in the impossibly small world of a droplet of water. Flash forward 77 years, and we find British

Ray Cummings' 1919-1923 science fantasy channels H. G. Wells with a nod (in the first section) to Hope Hodgson before descending into a more conventional pulp adventure and a rather sweet period piece love story between an irritatingly named 'Very Young Man' and the atom girl's sister.

Descending is

It's always an experience to read books from the 1900s. Although I found the story interesting and it kept me wanting to read more, there were many moments that pulled me back to reality. For example, the men test a new drug on an animal, then beat it to death with a poker for a fireplace with no qu

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