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Henrik Ibsen

Book Overview: 

Henrik Ibsen's Ghosts, like his earlier play A Doll's House, profoundly shocked his contemporaries. Dubbed "a dirty deed done in public" by one of its critics, the play focuses on (among other things) venereal disease, euthanasia, and incest. The original title literally means "the ones who return," and the play is about how we can deal with the awful legacy of the past.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .And don't slam the doors. Young Mr. Alving—

ENGSTRAND. He's asleep; I know. You're mightily taken up about young Mr. Alving—[More softly.] Oho! you don't mean to say it's him as—?

REGINA. Be off this minute! You're crazy, I tell you! No, not that way. There comes Pastor Manders. Down the kitchen stairs with you.

ENGSTRAND. [Towards the right.] Yes, yes, I'm going. But just you talk to him as is coming there. He's the man to tell you what a child owes its father. For I am your father all the same, you know. I can prove it from the church register.

[He goes out through the second door to the right, which REGINA has opened, and closes again after him. REGINA glances hastily at herself in the mirror, dusts herself with her pocket handkerchief; and settles her necktie; then she busies herself with the flowers.]

[PASTOR MANDERS, wearing an overcoat, carrying an umbrella, and with a small travelling-bag on. . . Read More

Community Reviews

I saw a production of Ghosts only once, at the Stratford Festival Theater in 1976 (I still have the program!) {hoarder!], featuring the amazing Nicholas Pennell as Oswald, and I still recall the last, dazzling and horrific image of him on stage there.

The play, 1881, by Norwegian Henrik Ibsen, had it

اياك ان تنخدع في ان انا نيرة حسن و اسم المسرحية الأشباح لا رعب هنا ..فالاشباح هي :الماضي ..الأمراض الموروثة..التقاليد البالية و الأحياء الذين يعيشون نصف حياة

مرحبا بكم في عالم رموز هنرييك ابسن..حيث يهاجم القيم الزائفة بصراحة مريرة من خلال مسز ألفين
التى تم تزويجها من رجل فاسق لأنه في ضوء قيم المجتمع

Book Review

3 out of 5 stars to Ghosts, a play written in 1881 by Henrik Ibsen. After I read Henrik Ibsens’s realistic play Ghosts, I immediately formed opinions of the characters. I liked Mrs. Alving and Regina. I thought that Oswald was a brat and a nuisance. I didn’t understand how Mrs

Not his best, but still Ibsen. Thought there were a few loose ends in Act III.

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