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The Georgics


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Book Excerpt: 
. . .R> And all the choir, a joyful company,
Attend it, and with shouts bid Ceres come
To be their house-mate; and let no man dare
Put sickle to the ripened ears until,
With woven oak his temples chapleted,
He foot the rugged dance and chant the lay.
Aye, and that these things we might win to know
By certain tokens, heats, and showers, and winds
That bring the frost, the Sire of all himself
Ordained what warnings in her monthly round
The moon should give, what bodes the south wind's fall,
What oft-repeated sights the herdsman seeing
Should keep his cattle closer to their stalls.
No sooner are the winds at point to rise,
Than either Ocean's firths begin to toss
And swell, and a dry crackling sound is heard
Upon the heights, or one loud ferment booms
The beach afar, and through the forest goes
A murmur multitudinous. By this
Scarce can the billow spare the curved keels,
When swift the sea-g. . . Read More

Community Reviews

Read in Dutch, in the beautiful and powerful translation by Ida Gerhardt. It's a pedagogic poem, but not completely: Virgil recommends old roman virtues, pleads for order and stability, which is of cours a clear reference to the policy of August, but much less sickly-gratifying as in the Aeneid. He

I studied Latin in high school and we read the Aeneid - Cano armorum virumque. I sing of arms and men. It was so much better that the tortures of Cicero's Oration Against Cataline that we had to read the previous year. But as much as I have fond memories of the Aeneid, I wish we had read the Georgic

The Georgics, composed between 37 and 30 bce (the final period of the civil wars), is a superb plea for the restoration of the traditional agricultural life of Italy. In form it is didactic, but, as Seneca later said, it was written “not to instruct farmers but to delight readers.” The practical ins

Politics and agriculture, an interesting mix especially when it comes to the topic of animal husbandry.

Allow me to clarify those stars you see above.
I love Virgil, with all of my heart. His depth is devastating and his verse, in the original Latin, is uncanny. Before Shakespeare he was the definition of greatness. And I love the Georgics. For some people, the Aeneid will always be the end of the dis

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