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On the Future of our Educational Institutions

Friedrich Nietzsche

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On the Future of our Educational Institutions | Friedrich Nietzsche

On the Future of our Educational Institutions

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Nietzsche gives a series of lectures in Bale, Germany on the subject of German educational institutions, and what the best way forward.
t associations, it must also inaugurate a good future for us. We shall therefore endeavour to leave you with no disagreeable recollections of our meeting—even though we have done much to perturb and frighten you."

The philosopher was silent; his companion, however, said: "Our promises and plans unfortunately compel us not only to remain, but also to spend the same hour on the spot you have selected. It is left for us to decide whether fate or perhaps a spirit has been responsible for this extraordinary coincidence."

"Besides, my friend," said the philosopher, "I am not half so displeased with these warlike [29]youngsters as I was. Did you observe how quiet they were a moment ago, when we were contemplating the sun? They neither spoke nor smoked, they stood stone still, I even believe they meditated."

Turning suddenly in our direction, he said: "Were you meditating? Just tell me about it as we proceed in the direction of our common trysting-place." We took a few steps together and went down the slope into the warm balmy air of the woods where it was already much darker. On the way my friend openly revealed his thoughts to the philosopher, he confessed how much he had feared that perhaps to-day for the first time a philosopher was about to stand in the way of his philosophising.

The sage laughed. "What? You were afraid a philosopher would prevent your philosophising? This might easily happen: and you have not yet experienced such a thing? Has your university life been free from experience? You surely attend lectures on philosophy?"

This question discomfited us; for, as a matter of fact, there had been no element of philosophy in our education up to that time. In those days, moreover, we fondly imagined that everybody who held the post and possessed the dignity of a philosopher must perforce be one: we were inexperience

Brett 05/30/2021
Ever notice that meritocracy and education produce obedient people who are good at memorizing things for tests, but utterly fail at dealing with situations with unknown variables? Through a series of essays and recollections, Fred "Wild Man" Nietzsche shows us the utter failure of the Prussian model
Azzam 05/14/2016
I so much agree with what is said in this book I found it scary. As I read through, I would be nodding, underlining every few lines, and screaming internally: "Yes! Yes! YES!!". Nietzsche argues that when education is given to everyone, it has to be watered down, and with those having watered down e
Jay 04/22/2012
If Nietzsche thought things were bad with education in 19th century Germany, he would have loved 21st century America. This piece was not what I thought it would be and the reading was difficult (and monotonous) at times. Nevertheless, I completed the read and gained some insight. Nietzsche constant

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