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The Flood
Émile Zola
Book Overview:
A well-to-do French farm family is destroyed by a flood. The story, thrilling to the very end, is told from the point of view of the family’s 70-year-old patriarch. The story speaks of the helplessness of mankind in the face of the forces of nature.
A well-to-do French farm family is destroyed by a flood. The story, thrilling to the very end, is told from the point of view of the family’s 70-year-old patriarch. The story speaks of the helplessness of mankind in the face of the forces of nature.
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In effect, it had rained for sixty hours without stopping. The Garonne was very much swollen since the preceding day, but we had confidence in it, and, as long as it did not overflow its banks, we could not look on it as a bad neighbor.
"Bah!" I exclaimed, shrugging my shoulders. "Nothing will happen. It is the same every year. The river puts up her back as if she were furious, and she calms down in a night. You will see, my boy, that it will amount to nothing this time. See how beautiful the weather is!"
And I pointed to the sky. It was seven o'clock; the sun was setting. The sky was blue, an immense blue sheet of profound purity, in which the rays of the setting sun were like a golden dust. Never had I seen the village drowsing in so sweet a peace. Upon the tiled roofs a rosy tint was fading. I heard a neighbor's laugh, then the voices of. . . Read More
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Community Reviews
Powerful writing about a devastating flood.
I kept on scratching my head after finishing this book. My forefinger and middle finger drumming on my skull and a new sort of disconcerting bewilderment in my eyes!
This drumming was at once followed by the faint clanking of a loosely stitched steel button on my cuff which was vibrating with the tap
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Η τραγική ιστορία του Λουί Ρουμπιέ την στιγμή της υπερχείλισης του ποταμού Γαρούνα. 70 σελίδες που νιώθεις την απόγνωση, τον τρόμο, την θλίψη, την ανάγκη για επιβίωση ή ακόμα και την παραίτηση που βιώνει ο Λουί και η οικογένεια του σε ένα
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Sel yorumuna güvendiğim bir arkadaşımın önerisi üzerine aldığım bir kitaptı. Emile Zola ile tanışma kitabım olan bu kısa öykü (her ne kadar uzun öykü olarak kategorize edilsede old