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Five Little Peppers and How They Grew

Margaret Sidney

Book Overview: 

The Five Little Peppers series was created by Margaret Sidney covering the life of five children with the surname Pepper. The Pepper children were very poor, and their widowed mother was left to raise them by herself. In order of age (descending), the children’s names were Ben (Ebaniezer), Polly (Mary), Joel, Davie, and Phronsie. Five Little Peppers and How They Grew is the first book in the series. (Summary from Wikipedia)

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .The squeezles," repeated Joel, irritably; "that's what you said."

"It's measles, Joey," corrected Mrs. Pepper; "never mind, I wouldn't feel bad."

"Well, they all laughed, and laughed, and then I said you told me to wait till I did get the money."

"Oh, Joe," began Mrs. Pepper, "you shouldn't have told 'em so—what did he say?"

"Well, he laughed, and said I was a smart boy, and he'd see; and Mirandy said, 'do pay him, pa, he must be tired to death'—and don't you think, he went to a big desk in the corner, and took out a box, and 'twas full most of money—lots! oh! and he gave me mine—and—that's all; and I'm tired to death." And Joel flung himself down on the floor, expanded his legs as only Joel could, and took a comfortable roll.

"So you must be," said Polly, pityingly, "waiting at those Peterses."

"Don't ever want to see any more Peterses," said Joel; never, never, never!

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Community Reviews

"The Five Little Peppers" are Ben, Polly, Joel, Davie, and Phronsie. Their father died when Phronsie was a baby and Mrs. Pepper struggles to earn enough money to support the family. Despite their poverty, they are a loving family, full of spirit and adventure. Ben and Polly do what they can to suppo

It's been a long time since I read a children's book that enchanted me so thoroughly. Anne of Green Gables was probably the most recent one... and that was a re-read. Prior to that, I'm sure it had been years! SUCH a delightful, wonderful read.

Finished at last! I loved going through this with my youngest sister and rediscovering the world of the Peppers through her eyes. Definitely a classic everyone should read!

I hadn't read this book in years. I had even forgotten some of the order of the story. I read it several times when I was a kid. I liked what a good sister Polly was to her younger siblings. This book will always have a special place in my heart.

I remembered this very fondly, but on re-read I discovered that the second part was entirely blocked out of my memory. No recollection of reading it at all. Perhaps I had to return the book to the library before finishing? A dog -- or younger sibling -- chewed the last half into shreds?

The start, w

When I was little I was known as the kid who read. People in our town would give me books just because I was the kid who read. (I've read since I was three). This was one such book--a neighbor woman gave the book to me. I never liked it very much because it's like a honey, chocolate, and jam sandwic

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