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The First Man

Eugene O'Neill

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Curt needs, Mrs. Davidson. [Proudly.] And she would have to study for years, as I have done, in order to take my place. [To LILY.] If I am not here by the time the others arrive, will you see about the tea, Lily—?

LILY—[Eagerly.] Sure. I love to serve drinks. If I were a man, I'd be a bartender—in Mexico or Canada.

MARTHA—[Going toward the study.] I'll be with you again in a minute, I hope. [She goes in and shuts the door behind her.]

ESTHER—[Pettishly.] Even people touched by a smattering of science seem to get rude, don't they?

MRS. DAVIDSON—[Harshly.] I have heard much silly talk of this being an age of free women, and I have always said it was tommyrot. [Pointing to the study.] She is an example. She is more of a slave to Curt's hobbies than any of my generation were to anything but their children. [Still more harshly.] Wh. . . Read More

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چه ترجمه‌ی بد و چه ویراستاری داغونی.

تصور می‌کنم زن‌هایی که در نمایشنامه‌های اونیل هستند رو قبلا یکجایی دیدم.


طی چهار پرده، با یک نظم مشخص و دایره‌وار در صحنه‌ها رو به رو هستیم: اتاق نشیمن (پرده‌ی یک)، اتاق کار (پرده‌ی دو)، اتاق کار (پرده‌ی سه)، اتاق نشیمن (پرده‌ی چهار). پس مکانْ در پرده‌های مختلف قرینه است. از قضا ساختارِ زمان هم قرینه است در این نمایشنامه: بچه‌ی دو ماهه در شکم (پرده‌ی یک)، سه روز بعد (پرد

Note to myself:
Don't judge people you don't know what they are going through.
چیزی نیست که بخوام به بقیه توصیه کنم ولی خودم از خوندنش لذت بردم.
شخصیت ها به طرز دردناکی آشنا و واقعی و بعضی هاشون بسی هم سم بودن:)
اون بحث های خانوادگی مسخره..
*لی لی چقدر مود بود

بسیار تأثیرپذیرفته از ایبسن.

So moving. I read Eugene O'Neill many years ago and will now re read him.