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The Finding of Jasper Holt

Grace Livingston Hill

Book Overview: 

Jasper Holt was a neglected child. As a consequence, he grew up to be angry and independent - generally good, but not caring what others thought of him... until he met Jean Grayson, the first truly good person he ever met. He knew she was out of reach to him due to his bad reputation. Her very existence and belief in him is motivation for him to change.

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Community Reviews

Jasper Holt is a bad man. Or at least that's what you'll hear from anyone you ask if you travel out West. But Jasper Holt saved the life of a young girl with a pure heart, and she saw what no one else did.

This is a book a little outside the norm of what the Grace Livingston Hill books usually are. P

This review/rating is seriously mixed. I feel like Grace goes a bit heavy on the theme of 'girls-can-go-around-alone-with-strange-men-if-they-feel-instinctively-that-he's-a-good-guy'. In real life, this usually ends in tragedy. In Mrs. Hill's world, it ends in a wedding. But...

I cannot deny that Jas

Jean Grayson is travelling across the country to visit her much older, married sister in Hawk Valley. Due to a mixup on the final leg of the journey, she has to sit in the public passenger car while her sleeper bunk is sorted. Jean is nervous about this, especially when the only available seat is ne

If you like suspence-filled Western romances, this fits the bill. Jean Grayson is on her way out west to visit her brother-in-law, Mr. Harrington. He is the richest man in Hawk Valley, and is trying to steal the silver mine that Jasper Holt owns. Jean meets Jasper on the train ride out west, and the

It's always hard to keep my emotions in check when I'm reading a GLH novel, when the supposedly honorable characters get it all wrong and pass along downright untruths about the ones we know are good. Or when the truly evil schemers lie through their teeth (I wonder where that phrase came from!) In

There's something about these "vintage" novels that makes me forgive them for using tropes that would usually make me roll my eyes at a modern novel that used them. Beautiful, do no wrong heroines, couples that fall in love almost immediately, perfect (or nearly so) heroes... The list goes on. Someh

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