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Fathers of Biology

Charles McRae

35 ratings
Fathers of Biology | Charles McRae

Fathers of Biology

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An account given of the lives of five great naturalists (Hippocrates, Aristotle, Galen, Vesalius and Harvey) will not be found devoid of interest. The work of each one of them marked a definite advance in the science of Biology.
been dispersed or carried into slavery. The king is said also to have established there a school for Aristotle. The high respect in which Alexander held his teacher is expressed in his saying that he honoured him no less than his own father, for while to one he owed life, to the other he owed all that made life valuable.

In 336 B.C. Alexander, who was then only about twenty years of age, became king, and Aristotle soon afterwards quitted Macedonia and took up his residence in Athens once more, after an absence of about twelve years. Here he opened a school in the Lycæum, a gymnasium on the eastern side of the city, and continued his work there for about twelve years, during which time Alexander was making his brilliant conquests. The lectures were given for the most part while walking in the garden, and in consequence, perhaps, of this, the[24] sect received the name of the Peripatetics. The discourses were of two kinds—the esoteric, or abstruse, and the exoteric, or familiar; the former being delivered to the more advanced pupils only. During the greater part of this time Aristotle kept up correspondence with Alexander, who is said[3] to have placed at his disposal thousands of men, who were busily employed in collecting objects and in making observations for the completion of the philosopher's zoological researches. Alexander is, moreover, said to have given the philosopher eight hundred talents for the same purpose.

In spite of these marks of friendship and respect, Alexander, who was fast becoming intoxicated with success, and corrupted by Asiatic influences, gradually cooled in his attachment towards Aristotle. This may have been hastened by several causes, and among others by the freedom of speech and rep

Josiah 02/02/2022
5 short biographies of those who had some of the greatest impacts in the field of biology, including Hippocrates, Aristotle, Galen, Versalius, and Harvey.
Rachel 11/28/2021
Written in 1890, this was a summary of the recieved wisdom of its time. It was comprehensive and articulate but written in a somewhat stilted manner. I dropped it to a 3 star rating because the final part of the Librevox recording was missing, so only 80% of the book was available.
D. 06/21/2016
Brief and to the point. Really enjoyed it.

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