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Father Sergius

Leo Tolstoy

Book Overview: 

Prince Stepan Kasatsky experiences a disappointment with his fiancé and decides to become a monk! There is a story line, but beneath it, Father Sergius struggles to find peace and, if not happiness, then at least contentment. But he is always disillusioned and ultimately unsatisfied. Only in the end does he find his way by letting go of what he struggled to attain all his life, i.e. to be better than everyone else in whatever he did, and settle for the mundane.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Christian virtues, which at first seemed to him easily attainable. He had given his whole estate to his sister and did not regret it, he had no personal claims, humility towards his inferiors was not merely easy for him but afforded him pleasure. Even victory over the sins of the flesh, greed and lust, was easily attained. His director had specially warned him against the latter sin, but Kasatsky felt free from it and was glad.

One thing only tormented him—the remembrance of his fiancee; and not merely the remembrance but the vivid image of what might have been. Involuntarily he recalled a lady he knew who had been a favourite of the Emperor's, but had afterwards married and become an admirable wife and mother. The husband had a high position, influence and honour, and a good and penitent wife.

In his better hours Kasatsky was not disturbed by such thoughts, and when he recalled them at such times he was merely glad to feel that the temptation. . . Read More

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استپان کاساتسکی( پدر سرگی) ابتدا یک جوان مبتلا به نارسیسیم و خودشیفتگی است... او به شدت کمال گراست و می خواهد در هر فعالیتی، نفر اول باشد... او در سواره نظام است و مورد توجه نیکلای اول... او هر کمبودی که در وجودش حس می کند، می خواهد جبران کند... عادت به اول بودن دارد... تمایل دارد در مهمانی

داستانی کوتاه و لذت بخش... تلنگری برای اینکه کمی فکر کنیم ارزش کارهای نیکی که انجام می‌دهیم در چیست؟ چقدر از صمیم قلب و به قصد نیکی هست و چقدر برای ارضای حس خودبینی و به نمایش گذاشتن انسانی نیک؟!

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