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Falkland, Book 2.


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Book Excerpt: 
. . .It was sunset. Emily was alone upon the lawn which sloped towards the lake, and the blue still waters beneath broke, at bright intervals, through the scattered and illuminated trees. She stood watching the sun sink with wistful and tearful eyes. Her soul was sad within her. The ivy which love first wreathes around his work had already faded away, and she now only saw the desolation of the ruin it concealed. Never more for her was that freshness of unwakened feeling which invests all things with a perpetual daybreak of sunshine, and incense, and dew. The heart may survive the decay or rupture of an innocent and lawful affection— "la marque reste, mais la blessure guerit"—but the love of darkness and guilt is branded in a character ineffaceable—eternal! The one is, like lightning, more likely to dazzle than to destroy, and, divine even in its danger, it makes holy what it sears; but the other is like that sure and deadly fire which fell upon the cities of old, graving in the. . . Read More

Community Reviews

Not about the war this was written long before that, it was OK, pretty forgettable really.

You too can have a terrible love affair, if only you choose someone who is already married. Get ready for the novel that proves Eddie was more into the idea of love than love itself. If only Rosina Wheeler read this, she could have saved herself six years.