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The Exploits and Triumphs of Paul Morphy

Frederick Milnes Edge

Book Overview: 

Paul Morphy, born in New Orleans in 1837, was considered the greatest chess player of his era. He was a child prodigy who learned playing chess simply by watching family members play, and when he was only 9 years old, he was hailed as the best chess player in New Orleans.
This book describes Morphy's trip to Europe, i.e., England and France, where he wanted to play the European Champion Staunton, a match that never came about as the correspondence included in this book shows. He did play - and beat - virtually every other strong player in Europe though, and tales of these matches and people make up a large part of this book. After his triumphs in Europe, Paul Morphy was considerd the unofficial World Chess Champion, as official championship tournaments were only held from 1886.
Morphy retired from chess in 1859 in order to devote himself to his law practice. He died from a stroke in 1884

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .urely the advantages offered for increasing one's strength in this intellectual struggle of mind against mind, should be an inducement for young players to enroll themselves in one or the other of these two associations.

When the Westminster had grown up into a goodly body of three hundred members, Mr. George Walker began to find that the duties of secretary were interfering seriously with his other pursuits, and he therefore resigned the office, and was succeeded by Mr. William Greenwood Walker, to whom the chess world is so much indebted for taking down the games of McDonnel. The Club had arrived at its Augustine era, and, in 1838, its fortunes began to wane; the proprietor getting into pecuniary difficulties. Mr. Huttman could not let well alone. He introduced a daily dinner, on plans so profoundly calculated, that the more persons who dined the more he lost. He got the Club, also, into bad odor, by allowing chess to be played there on Sundays. Musical so. . . Read More

Community Reviews

I had a lot of fun reading this, as someone who loves the game of chess and loves the history of chess even more, I found this little book of Paul Morphy’s travels in Europe to be an absolute delight to read.

I just read this on my nook. It is pretty short book. It tells about his matches in Europe with some of the best chess players of the time. It is amazing to read about how good Morphy was at chess but I am not certain if some of it was embellished. I would recommend this book to anyone interested in

I actually listened to this as an audio book, and it was great, transporting me back to a different world. The author is obviously a huge fan of Morphy, and hero worships him through the book, taking exception with those who came into conflict with Morphy, most notably, Staunton and Harrwitz.

It was

Great piece of nonfiction chess journalism. Paul Morphy was one of the top chess players of all time, certainly ahead of all his contemporaries. The high point of his career was his trip from America to Europe to represent his home country against the European masters - all who scoffed at the idea o

A moving portrait written by an obsessed publicist/chauffeur/travel guide of Paul Morphy’s during his legendary European tour of 1858. The prose is rich with the excitement and fervor of genius on public display, painting 20 year old Morphy as the unrivaled savant-messiah of modern chess. The initia

Mucho chisme, pocas clsas con relevancia. Interesante saber sobre Murphy durante esos años, pero nada de lo que Wikipedia pueda darme.

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