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Eureka: A Prose Poem

Edgar Allan Poe

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Eureka: A Prose Poem | Edgar Allan Poe

Eureka: A Prose Poem

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Eureka is Poe's attempt at explaining the universe, using his general proposition "Because Nothing was, therefore All Things are". In it, Poe discusses man's relationship to God and the universe or, as he offers at the beginning: "I design to speak of the Physical, Metaphysical and Mathematical – of the Material and Spiritual Universe: of its Essence, its Origin, its Creation, its Present Condition and its Destiny". In keeping with this design, Poe concludes "that space and duration are one" and that matter and spirit are made of the same essence.
ence that an attempt to bring together any two differences will result in a development of electricity. All existing bodies, of course, are composed of these atoms in proximate contact, and are therefore to be considered as mere assemblages of more or fewer differences; and the resistance made by the repulsive spirit, on bringing together any two such assemblages, would be in the ratio of the two sums of the differences in each:—an expression which, when reduced, is equivalent to this:—The amount of electricity developed on the approximation of two bodies, is proportional[37] to the difference between the respective sums of the atoms of which the bodies are composed. That no two bodies are absolutely alike, is a simple corollary from all that has been here said. Electricity, therefore, existing always, is developed whenever any bodies, but manifested only when bodies of appreciable difference, are brought into approximation.

To electricity—so, for the present, continuing to call it—we may not be wrong in referring the various physical appearances of light, heat and magnetism; but far less shall we be liable to err in attributing to this strictly spiritual principle the more important phænomena of vitality, consciousness and Thought. On this topic, however, I need pause here merely to suggest that these phænomena, whether observed generally or in detail, seem to proceed at least in the ratio of the heterogeneous.

Discarding now the two equivocal terms, “gravitation” and “electricity,” let us adopt the more definite expressions, “attraction” and “repulsion.” The former is the body; the latter the soul: the one is the material; the other the spiritual, principle of the Universe. No other principles exist.All phænomena are referable to one,

Lee 04/23/2023
I'm really not at all sure what to think of this essay. Apparently it's Poe's last great work and he himself thought of it as an enormous breakthrough in thinking. Also it begins with some of his characteristic snideness, leading some readers to wonder if it wasn't a put on, one more jab at the tran
Daniel 05/10/2022
Poe describes the big bang 80 years before its "confirmation", talks ostensably about black holes & and synthesizes eastern philosophy with western cosmology.

The traditionally celebrated fiction writer does all this while explicitly arguing that imagination can be as important as fact and deduction
Sébastien 06/06/2019
A wild work with suggestions at a Big Bang, mention of the principle of relativity in passing, and subtle clues for the existence of the Higgs boson, as well as dark matter. A very unique and intensely imaginative (un)scientific treatise on science praised by Einstein himself.

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