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Eskimo Folk-Tales

Book Overview: 

Quote: "No man is better qualified to tell the story of Greenland, or the stories of its people. Knud Rasmussen is himself partly of Eskimo origin; his childhood was spent in Greenland, and to Greenland he returned again and again, studying, exploring, crossing the desert of the inland ice, making unique collections of material, tangible and otherwise, from all parts of that vast and little-known land, and his achievements on these various expeditions have gained for him much honour and the appreciation of many learned societies. But it is as an interpreter of native life, of the ways and customs of the Eskimos, that he has done his greatest work. Such work, as regards its hither side, must naturally consist to a great extent of scientific treatises, collections of facts and specimens, all requiring previous knowledge of the subject for their proper comprehension. These have their great value as additions to the sum of human knowledge, but they remain unknown to the majority of men. As regards their contents, the stories bring before us, more clearly, perhaps, than any objective study, the daily life of the Eskimos, their habit of thought, their conception of the universe, and the curious "spirit world" which forms their religion or mythology. In point of form they are unique."

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .And almost before he had reached land, the old one came to him, and the cormorant skeleton was taken out of the kayak. Now the old one trembled all over with surprise. And he took the skeleton, and put it away, and said:

“Now you must search for a soft stone, which has never felt the sun, a stone good to make a lamp of.”

And the strong man began to search for such a stone.

Once when he was on this search, he came to a cliff, which stood in such a place that it never felt the sun, and here he found a fine lamp stone. And he brought it home, and the old one took it and put it away.

A few days passed, and then the strong one’s wife began to feel the birth-pangs, and the old one went in there at once with his own wife. Then she bore a son, and when he was born, the strong man said to the old one: [23]

“This is your child; name him after some dead one.”1

“Let him be named after him who . . . Read More

Community Reviews

Despite the occasionally clunky translation, a fascinating look into the minds of a hardy people living in conditions few of us can imagine.

تجربة فريدة للغاية، كم هو غريب وجميل في نفس الوقت اختلاف الشعوب، الكتاب يضم قصصاً جميلة وغريبة من فلكلور سكان الإسكيمو، حيث تجد نفسك مندهشاً من بعض الحكايات. من بين تلك القصص، هناك الرجل الذي يلتهم زوجاته، والمرأة التي تربي دباً. على الرغم من غرابة هذه القصص، إلا أنها كانت ممتعة وتميزت بجو خاص يأخذك

I really enjoyed this. I was rather fascinated by the diction of oral storytelling (“This story ends here” being a common way to end them, for example) and by the overarching themes - some of the stories contain moral teachings (Killing people followed by bad consequences), some explanations for nat

Some wonderful stories here. The first story about two friends setting off in different directions around the world is particularly memorable.

(A note that the term Inuit is preferred to Eskimo.)

"Yer Ertekileri serüvenimde Hindistan'dan Danimarka'ya bağlı Grönland'a gittim. Orada Eskimolar'a konuk oldum. Eskimolar gibi dondurucu soğuğa alışık olmadığım için çok üşüyordum. Igloları estetiksel bir güzelliğe sahip olsa da buz parçaları arasında boşluklarda dondurucu rüzgar esiyordu. Çevirmenin

(2.5 * total)
The Coming of Men (GOOD)
A Long, Long While Ago (DONT REMEMBER)
Nukúnguasik, who Escaped from the Tupilak
The Woman Who Had a Bear as a Foster-Son (GOOD)
Qalagánguasê, Who Passed to the Land of Ghosts (GOOD)
Isigâligârssik (GOOD)
The Insects that Wooed

قصص فلكلورية من ثقافة الأسكيمو سُكان جرينلاند

حكايات جيدة متنوعة بعض الشيئ ولو أن الغالب فيها أصطياد الفقمات ولا عجب في ذلك خصوصا وأن القصص من الأسكيمو والذين يتمازون بذلك ,,

في بعضها الطرافة والغرابة وفي البعض الآخر يتغلب الخيال والقصص الغير مألوفة ,,

جيد لمعرفة أحوال الشعوب الآخرى ~

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