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Eric Brighteyes

Henry Rider Haggard

Book Overview: 

The Saga of Eric Brighteyes is the title of an epic viking novel by H. Rider Haggard, and concerns the adventures of its eponymous principal character in 10th century Iceland. Eric Thorgrimursson (nicknamed 'Brighteyes' for his most notable trait), strives to win the hand of his beloved, Gudruda the Fair. Her father Asmund, a priest of the old Norse gods, opposes the match, thinking Eric a man without prospects. But deadlier by far are the intrigues of Swanhild, Gudruda's half-sister and a sorceress who desires Eric for herself. She persuades the chieftain Ospakar Blacktooth to woo Gudrida, making the two men enemies. Battles, intrigues, and treachery follow.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Asmund rode back to Middalhof somewhat troubled at heart, for these tidings must be told to Groa, and he feared her and her witchcraft. In the hall he found her, standing alone.

"Where hast thou been, lord?" she asked.

"At Coldback," he answered.

"To see Unna, Eric's cousin, perchance?"

"That is so."

"What is Unna to thee, then, lord?"

"This much, that after hay-harvest she will be my wife, and that is ill news for thee, Groa."

Now Groa turned and grasped fiercely at the air with her thin hands. Her eyes started out, foam was on her lips, and she shook in her fury like a birch-tree in the wind, looking so evil that Asmund drew back a little way, saying:

"Now a veil is lifted from thee and I see thee as thou art. Thou hast cast a glamour over me these many years, Groa, and it is gone."

"Mayhap, Asmund Asmundson—mayhap, thou knowest me; but I tell thee that thou shal. . . Read More

Community Reviews

Imagine a Norse god of a man with the widest chest and craziest good looks, wielding swords, golden helm on head and a moral viewpoint capable of chiseling granite? That's Eric Brighteyes for you.

Imagine the most beautiful maidens in Iceland to die for, with oddly unattractive names like Groa and Gu

Приятен роман, който щеше да ми се вслади много повече в детските години, защото е платил данъка на времето, но и така доволно ме израдва. Историята на Ерик Светлоокия, базирана на исландските саги, носи оная трагична предопределeност, характерна за всички легенди, където е намесена невъзможната люб

''Eric Brighteyes'' is a fantasy tragedy set mostly in Iceland and its surroundings. The story revolves around a star-crossed love triangle between Eric, Gudrud, and Swanhild.

The language is written in what I like to call Epic English, with a lot of thees and thous, and it's done quiet well. If you

I really enjoyed this book - the adventures of Eric Brighteyes is the story of a brave and honest man who is marked by fate for misfortune - even as he becomes a legend. The story was taunt and filled with action and adventure. Haggard has a real talent for fight scenes; almost cinematic. If you are

Second of Haggard's big historical epics (after Cleopatra). In this case, we have a viking story modeled very consciously on the old Icelandic sagas [ASIDE: I hadn't really realized how much of a presence the vikings had in Iceland, nor that so many of the big stories we know are actually from there

Let me admit at the start that I've been on an Old Norse and Anglo Saxon kick lately. I picked up this book because it was mentioned in a recorded lecture by the Anglo Saxonist Dr. Drout. (This is not an easy book to find. I had to request it through interlibrary loan.) Apparently J.R.R. Tolkein - w

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