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Equation of Doom

Gerald Vance

Book Overview: 

A world weary space pilot on the lam from earth for crimes unspecified; the most beautiful (earthly) tri-D woman in the universe who is determined to be the most powerful too; a planet of crafty and unscrupulous giant frogs intent on kicking out all aliens; and finally beings who live outside of time. Mix them all together and some very interesting things happen. Very interesting. And disastrous. But there's more! Why did 3000 worlds across the galaxy suddenly blossom almost simultaneously with very similar life and intelligence? Could there have been a common ancestor? Well, give or take a million years, simultaneously. The answer to all these questions is in this story. Listen and find out what happens in Equation of Doom.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Ramsey went on. “How’s about taking them?”

“But I haven’t the slightest idea when I could pay back.”

“I didn’t say anything about paying me back.”

“I couldn’t accept charity, Jase.”

“O.K. Pay me back when you get a chance. There are plenty of hyper-space jobs waiting for us all over the galaxy, you know that.”

“Yeah, all we have to do is get off Irwadi and go after them. But the Irwadians are keeping us right here.”

“Sure, but it won’t last. Not when the folks back in Capella and Deneb and Sol System hear about it.”

“Six months,” said Englander bleakly. “It’ll take at least that long.”

“Six months I can wait. What d’you say?”

Englander coughed wrackingly, his eyes watering. He got off the bed and shook Ramsey’s . . . Read More

Community Reviews

Time enough for love.

Old fashioned sci fi. Gerald Vance brings us a story of a vast and ancient civilization. Sort of a weird love story developes.