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The Emperor of Portugalia
Selma Lagerlöf
Book Overview:
The Story is set in Vaermland around 1860 or 1870. In the center is Jan of Ruffluck Croft. He loves his daughter more than anything, but when she moves to Stockholm and never sends a word home about her doings, he sinks into a dream-world where she is a noble Empress of Portugallia. And he believes himself to be Emperor too. His whole world and all his thoughts are dominated by the thoughts of her return and what will happen then. In the role of Emperor in the poor forest country where he lives he can question the social hierarchies around him, and dressed in his Royal regalia he sits in the frontbench in the Church, and he takes the place of honor at Parties etc. After 15 years his daughter returns home and is shocked to see what a mad clown her father has become.
Selma Lagerlöf was the first woman to be awarded the Nobel Prize in literature.
The Story is set in Vaermland around 1860 or 1870. In the center is Jan of Ruffluck Croft. He loves his daughter more than anything, but when she moves to Stockholm and never sends a word home about her doings, he sinks into a dream-world where she is a noble Empress of Portugallia. And he believes himself to be Emperor too. His whole world and all his thoughts are dominated by the thoughts of her return and what will happen then. In the role of Emperor in the poor forest country where he lives he can question the social hierarchies around him, and dressed in his Royal regalia he sits in the frontbench in the Church, and he takes the place of honor at Parties etc. After 15 years his daughter returns home and is shocked to see what a mad clown her father has become.
Selma Lagerlöf was the first woman to be awarded the Nobel Prize in literature.
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Think of it! After the first week she had no luck with the fishing. The worms were gone from all the hooks, but no fish had fastened there. She shifted her tackle from rapid to still water, from still water to rippling falls, and she changed her hooks—but with no better results.
She asked the boys at Börje's and at Eric's if they were not the ones who got up with the lark and carried off her fish. But a question like that the boys would not deign to answer. For no boy would stoop to take fish from the brook, when he had the whole of Dove Lake to fish in. It was all right for little girls, who were not allowed to go down to the lake, to run about hunting fish in the woods, they said.
Despite the superior airs of the boys, the l. . . Read More
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Community Reviews
San Giuseppe
Se io mi fossi documentato su Selma Lagerlöf probabilmente non avrei letto “L'imperatore di Portugallia”.
Svedese, premio Nobel (evvai con il nepotismo) nel 1909, l’ultima e la più grande narratrice di saghe, scrisse racconti in forma fiabesca, affrontando temi di impegno religioso e soci
Tėvas- dukra.
Sako tik mama gali jausti prigimtinį ryšį su vaiku.Argi? Ši istorija paneigs visas nuostatas...Tai istorija-paminklas tėvo meilei dukrai. Besąlygiškai, nereikalaujančiai atlygio, meilei, kuri pakylėja, neteisia ir atleidžia, kuri duoda daugiau nei gauna, kuri verčia keistis, kuri griau
Tikėjausi jautrios istorijos, bet gavau gerokai daugiau – pradžioje rasta šviesa, laimė ir švelnumas vėliau virto be galo giliu skausmu, liūdesiu ir ilgesiu. Absoliučiai meistriškai nuaustas pasakojimas, kuriame daug atras ir jaunesnis, ir vyresnis skaitytojas, nes po tarsi pasakišku fasadu, kuriuo
Acabei agora mesmo e estou assoberbada. A singeleza da história vai nos cativando, pouco a pouco, até culminar num ribombar do coração. Faz lembrar um conto narrado à lareira numa noite de chuva e de frio por uma ternurenta Avó ou Avô.
Por vezes é na simplicidade que encontramos maior beleza. Foi o
Nesse momento as mulheres viram-lhe com certeza nos olhos um brilho especial, notaram-lhe na voz uma inflexão que as divertiu, porque a parteira reprimiu um sorriso e as outras desataram a rir.
- Então o senhor nunca tinha gostado de ninguém a ponto de sentir bater o coração?...-perguntou a parteira.
L'amore di un padre
La svedese Selma Lagerof è una scrittrice grandissima, Premio Nobel 1909. "L'imperatore di Portugallia" è successivo all'alto riconoscimento ricevuto, ed è un capolavoro letterario, un monumento all'amore paterno, o meglio all'amore in assoluto e ai suoi prodigi.
Il rude Jan speri