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The Elder Edda

Saemund Sigfusson

Book Overview: 

The Elder or Poetic Edda is a collection of Old Norse poems dating from the thirteenth century CE. Though no two translators or editors seem to agree on precisely which poems should be included in this collection, the Elder Edda is the most important source for Norse mythology and legends of northern European heroes. The later "Younger" or Prose Edda, gathered or transcribed by Snorri Sturluson in about 1220 CE, is the other such source, largely drawing on and even directly quoting from the poetic material of the Elder Edda. Even the uninitiated reader of the Eddas may find them familiar in sound, rhythm, and content because of their considerable influence on the work of J.R.R. Tolkien and his Middle Earth fantasies. Though the Bray edition is entitled "The Elder or Poetic Edda, commonly known as Sæmund's Edda," even at the time of its 1908 publication no scholar still believed that the twelfth-century Icelandic scholar Sæmundur Sigfússon had anything to do with the Poetic Edda; whoever actually compiled and transcribed these old oral myths is unknown to modern scholarship. This recording is of Part I (Mythological Poems), including elegant introductory material by translator and scholar Olive Bray. It does not include the Icelandic of the facing pages in this parallel bilingual edition

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .I drive to Jotunheim."[Pg 55]

15. Straightway went the Æsir all to council, and the Asyniur all to hold converse; and deliberated the mighty gods, how they Hlorridi's hammer might get back.

16. Then said Heimdall, of Æsir brightest—he well foresaw, like other Vanir—"Let us clothe Thor with bridal raiment, let him have the famed Brisinga necklace.

17. "Let by his side keys jingle, and woman's weeds fall round his knees, but on his breast place precious stones, and a neat coif set on his head."

18. Then said Thor, the mighty As: "Me the Æsir will call womanish, if I let myself be clad in bridal raiment."

19. Then spake Loki, Laufey's son: "Do thou, Thor! refrain from suchlike words: forthwith the Jotuns will Asgard inhabit, unless thy hammer thou gettest back."

20. Then they clad Thor in bridal raiment, and with the noble Brisinga necklace, let by h. . . Read More

Community Reviews

I do admire Snorre for his attempt at collecting stories and trying to make a chronological tale, although I do notice the heavy influence Christianity while reading. His writings is more comprehensive compared to reading the older Edda, although I do consider both as valuable contributions

5-stars as trying to rate something from the 13th century with modern standards seems absurd.

Many of the stories are bizarre, yet wonderful, and have you thinking on what their real world application/meaning could be.

The Volsunga Saga was, initially, a difficult read. The saga is woven non-linearly

Den Eldre Edda var nærmest uforståelig å lese uten å søke opp mange gamle ord som ikke lenger er i bruk. Havamål var morsomt, anbefaler å lese gjennom den delen spesielt.

Likte Den Yngre Edda mye mer, den var lettere å lese og jeg klarte å følge med å fortellingene, og forklaringen til Snorre om hvor

Trekk frå ei stjerne fordi Snorre-Edda ikkje er komplett. Innleiinga tyder på at Skaldskaparmál berre er med i utval, og Háttatal er ikkje med i det heile berre fordi ei omsetjing vil gje lita meining. Så kvifor ikkje lage ei synoptisk utgåve? Det er vel ikkje meiningsinnhaldet som er det viktigaste

Seriously blown away by this translation! I had some different translations of the Poetic and Prose Eddas when I was a teenager, and they never really did anything for me, but this is excellent! I really enjoyed reading this, in addition to the general interest of such an old piece of writing.

Awesome! A re-read is essential

A very challenging read for modern readers, but containing a wealth of information on mythology, etymology, history, and with some truly epic stories.

You can read Tolkien, or you can go straight to the source.

Understand ye now, or what?

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