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El Dorado
Baroness Emmuska Orczy
Book Overview:
El Dorado, by Baroness Orczy is a sequel book to the classic adventure tale, The Scarlet Pimpernel. The novel is notable in that it is the partial basis for most of the film treatments of the original book.
It is 1794 and Paris, "despite the horrors that had stained her walls - has remained a city of pleasure, and the knife of the guillotine did scarce descend more often than did the drop-scenes on the stage."
The plot begins when Sir Percy, the Scarlet Pimpernel, reluctantly agrees to take Armand St. Just, brother of his wife, Marguerite, with him to France as part of a plan to rescue the young Dauphin.
Percy warns Armand not to renew any friendships while in Paris, but it doesn't take long before Armand has ignored his warnings and renewed a friendship with the scheming Baron de Batz (in the pay of the Austrian government), who wants to free the Dauphin himself and despises the Scarlet Pimpernel and all he represents. (Summary by Wikipedia)
El Dorado, by Baroness Orczy is a sequel book to the classic adventure tale, The Scarlet Pimpernel. The novel is notable in that it is the partial basis for most of the film treatments of the original book.
It is 1794 and Paris, "despite the horrors that had stained her walls - has remained a city of pleasure, and the knife of the guillotine did scarce descend more often than did the drop-scenes on the stage."
The plot begins when Sir Percy, the Scarlet Pimpernel, reluctantly agrees to take Armand St. Just, brother of his wife, Marguerite, with him to France as part of a plan to rescue the young Dauphin.
Percy warns Armand not to renew any friendships while in Paris, but it doesn't take long before Armand has ignored his warnings and renewed a friendship with the scheming Baron de Batz (in the pay of the Austrian government), who wants to free the Dauphin himself and despises the Scarlet Pimpernel and all he represents. (Summary by Wikipedia)
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But they yielded to one another, to the springtime of their life, calling for Love, which would come presently hand in hand with his grim attendant, Sorrow.
Even as Armand's glowing face was at last lifted up to hers asking with mute lips for that first kiss which she already was prepared to give, there came the loud noise of men's heavy footsteps tramping up the old oak stairs, then some shouting, a woman's cry, and the next moment Madame Belhomme, trembling, wide-eyed, and in obvious terror, came rushing into the room.
"Jeanne! Jeanne! My child! It is awful! It is awful! Mon Dieu—mon Dieu! What is to become of us?"
She was moaning and lamenting even as she ran in, and. . . Read More
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Community Reviews
Romantic, suspenseful, and detailed. I read this out loud to my husband. We did not love Armand's instalove that made him make such ridiculous choices. I've never seen this kind of behavior from grown people in real life in my entire life, so it was not believable for us. We just went, "well, this i
Roll up your sleeves and get ready to dive into another adventure with Sir and Lady Blakeney! Don’t ask me what a Spanish sounding title has to do with a story of the French Revolution. I haven’t figured it out yet. Anyway, here is the review.
Only one thing matters more to Sir Percy Blakeney than hi
That was a nail biting and engaging read!
There’s still a lot of hooey about true love be defined as worshiping someone in a weird and unbelievable way – passing off ordinary humans and finite human love into something as divine as God himself. Armand’s relationship is particularly excruciating and
I loved this book just as much as the first one! The beginning is a little slower, and Armond drove me nuts. While I could see why he got everyone into so much trouble, it also earned a lot of forehead slapping because it was so obviously the wrong choice. Once the POV mostly switched over to Margue