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Murray Leinster

Book Overview: 

Suddenly the biggest thing in the universe was the very tiniest.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .A fat man puffed past. The gravity on Altaira was some five per cent under ship-normal and he felt the difference at once. But the veins at his temples were ungorged. Nordenfeld let him go by.

There appeared a white-haired, space-tanned man with a briefcase under his arm. He saw Nordenfeld and lifted a hand in greeting. The doctor knew him. He stepped aside from the passengers and stood there. His name was Jensen, and he represented a fund which invested the surplus money of insurance companies. He traveled a great deal to check on the business interests of that organization.

The doctor grunted, "What're you doing here? I thought you'd be on the far side of the cluster."

"Oh, I get about," said Jensen. His manner was not quite normal. He was tense. "I got here two weeks ago on a Q-and-C tramp from Regulus. We were a ship load of salt meat. There's romance for you! Salt meat by the spaceship load!"

The doctor grunted again. All sorts of. . . Read More

Community Reviews

It was an enjoyable read! I liked the MedShip man Calhoun, he reminded me a bit of Doctor McCoy from Star Trek. Makes sense, since the book was written in the same time period. Out of the three short stories in this book, the second "Med Ship Man" was my favorite. I liked the mystery to it and how i

Classic early pulp sci fi

Doctor To The Stars is another entry into Murray Leinster's Med Service series, it consists of three short novellas: The Grandfather's War, Med Ship Man, and Tallien Three. None of these stories stand out as memorable, in fact, they probably are as formulaic as anything SF has produced.
Calhoun, the

Fun read. In fact, after rereading my Dad's paperback, the book was lost and I had to search (pre-internet) for another. Enjoyed reading it all over again. I'm not fastidious about matching early works with today's social expectations, so I simply enjoyed the independence and humor of Calhoun, and h

This is a book of three novellas about wandering space medic, Calhoun, and his magical space lab animal, Murgatroyd. They go to a world and inevitably solve a non-medical crisis along with whatever medical one brought them here. They were enjoyable stories, marred by the old-timey attitudes to women

This collection of three thoroughly enjoyable novellas by William Fitzgerald Jenkins (aka Murray Leinster) focuses on the characters of Calhoun, from the Interstellar Medical Service, and his diminutive furry companion Murgatroyd, a tormal. Together, they travel in the medical ship, Esclipus Twenty,

I frequently pick up classic SF books with low price tags when I’m browsing through the shelves of a used books store. It’s not always rewarding, but sometimes I come up with something that’s really worth reading. Having read some of Mr. Leinster’s (or maybe I should say Mr. Jenkins’) short work in

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