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Doctor Izard

Anna Katharine Green

Book Overview: 

The opening scene takes place in a hospital ward where two patients lie, apparently dying, when a man enters and offers a proposition to one of them. The story then shifts to another town where, years earlier, Polly Earle’s mother died of unknown causes and her father disappeared, leaving Polly, a small child, parentless and penniless. Raised by neighbors, Polly is now a beautiful young woman engaged to be married. A stranger arrives and makes an unsettling request of Polly. Doctor Izard, an intensely private person who had attended her mother, becomes involved

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .The dog, with fallen tail and drooping head, trotted slowly after him. And this was the first adventure which met this man in the little town of Hamilton.


THAT night five men sat on the porch of the one tavern in Hamilton. Of these, one was the landlord, a spare, caustic New Englander who understood his business and left it to his wife to do the agreeable. Of the remaining four, two were the inevitable loungers to be found around all such places at nightfall, and the other two, wayfarers who had taken up lodgings for the night. The dog lying contentedly at the feet of one of these latter tells us who he was.

The talk was on local subjects and included more or less gossip. Who had started it? No one knew; but the least interested person in the group was apparently the man with the dog. He sat and smoked, because it was the hour for sitting and smoking, but he. . . Read More

Community Reviews

This is a very interesting book. Although it runs (feels) a bit slower than other Anna Katherine Green novels I have read, this one ends with a bang. As is always the case with Ms. Green's novels, this tale is interesting, well written, peopled and plotted.

all anna katherine books are 5 stars for me , dr. izard i must admit was exactly as good as her other books , I don't really understand why people don't know of her , dr. izard , the way he was described in the start of the book , it reminded me of carlisle cullen , all in all a great book