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Diary of a Nursing Sister on the Western Front

Book Overview: 

The nurse in question went out to France at the beginning of the war and remained there until May 1915 after the second battle of Ypres when she went back to a Base Hospital and the diary ceases. Although written in diary form, it is clearly taken from letters home and gives a vivid if sometimes distressing picture of the state of the casualties occasioned during that period. After a time at the General Hospital in Le Havre she became one of the three or four sisters working on the ambulance trains which fetched the wounded from the Clearing Hospitals close to the front line and took them back to the General Hospitals in Boulogne, Rouen and Le Havre. Towards the end of the account she was posted to a Field Ambulance (station) close to Ypres (Ieper, or in First World War speak ‘Wipers’)

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .the best) at 7, and there is a ration tin of jam, and I have acquired a pot of honey.

On duty at 7.30 a.m.—At 12 or 1 we go to the Inn for déjeûner: meat of some sort, one vegetable, bread, butter, and cheese, and pears. Tea we provide ourselves when we can.

At 7 or 8 we go to the Inn and have pôtage (which is warm water with a few stray onions or carrots in it), and tough cold meat, and sometimes a piece of pastry (for pudding), bread, butter, and cheese, and a very small cup of coffee, and little, rather hard pears. I am very well on it now since they changed the bread, though pretty tired.

Thursday, October 1st.—The sky in Mid France on October 1st is of a blue that outblues the bluest that June or any other month can do in l'Angleterre. It is cold in the early mornings and evenings, dazzling all day, and shining moon by night.

The H.A.C. are all over the town: they do orderly duty at Headquarters an. . . Read More

Community Reviews

This was a very enjoyable listen; moving the wounded from the front to safer regions was particularly interesting. I was worried when she became stationed in a base hospital that the diary was going to end abruptly.

After just a few months of experience, this nurse was winning arguments with officers

A rare and fascinating insight into the life of a nurse on the front line of WW1. I find it really sad how readers have the arrogance to call the diary of someone who has lived through the horrors of this war 'dull' or not 'descriptive'enough!

The horrors and literal hell of WW1 are brought forth once again

Into reality in this plain spoken nursing sisters account. It is devoid of fabrication and takes you to the scene .

I have read responses to this book all I can say is you missed what the book is about. I have researched most of the nursing sisters, looked into their military records and have done memorials for some. This book is attributed to one of the hundreds of brave nursing sisters from across the world who

As a nurse myself, I would recommend every student should read this. It makes you appreciate the system we work in today.

Many here seem to think that this is a dull book. All I can say is they must not have read the same one as myself. If you are looking for gory, prurient detail, then you will not find it here. What you will find are the descriptions of a plant-loving, military sister's day-to-day life close to the W

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