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The Deluge - Volume 1

Henryk Sienkiewicz

Book Overview: 

The Deluge (Polish: Potop) is a historical novel by the Polish author Henryk Sienkiewicz. It is the second volume of a three-volume series known to Poles as "the Trilogy," having been preceded by With Fire and Sword and followed by Fire in the Steppe. The novel tells a story of a fictional Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth soldier and noble Andrzej Kmicic and shows a panorama of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth during the Swedish invasion of Poland known in the Polish tradition as „Potop” (hence the title). Kmita is a patriot who, nevertheless, unexpectedly and unwittingly finds himself on the wrong side of the conflict as a new war starts to ravage the already weakened Commonwealth. This decision costs him dearly as his beloved Olenka now sees him as a traitor. This is an epic panorama of a country that is torn not only by a war with the external enemy, but also by a struggle with unscrupulous nobles who use their country's plight as an opportunity to magnify their power and zone of influence even if that means siding with the enemy. On the other hand we also see valiant soldiers, who, both with their swords and their wits, fight to expel the invading army. (Summary by Wikipedia)

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Book Excerpt: 
. . . and took it herself to the messenger.

"Whence art thou?" asked she, measuring with her glance that strange figure, half peasant, half servant.

"From the woods, my lady."

"And where is thy master?"

"That is not permitted me to say. But he is far from here; I rode five days, and wore out my horse."

"Here is a thaler!" said Olenka. "And thy master is well?"

"He is as well, the young hero, as an aurochs."

"And he is not in hunger or poverty?"

"He is a rich lord."

"Go with God."

"I bow to my lady's feet."

"Tell thy master--wait--tell thy master--may God aid him!"

The peasant . . . Read More

Community Reviews

One important note... if you read the trilogy in English, be sure to read the translation by Kuniczak. I started reading one by a different translator and the difference was night and day. It was like reading a wooden story by an author of adventure books for young adults instead of a well written s


Przyznam męczyłam się z tym gównem, ale w przynajmniej to nie romantyzm, którym rzygam totalnie. Lepsze niż cokolwiek Mickiewicza.

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Moimi ulubionymi (powiedzmy) są:
Pan wołodyjowski aka mały rycerz i ✨dlaczego na

Moja ulubiona lektura, Kmicic to crush

zarąbista książka, nieironicznie najlepsza lektura, bardzo mi się podoba, justice for sienkiewicz

kmicic chłopie find yourself a therapist bo jakiś taki niestabilny jesteś

co moge powiedziec? jestem naczekna hejterka quo vadis i w pustyni i w rasizmie, czy jak to lecialo, ale odszczekuje przynajmniej czesc zlych slow, ktore mialam na sienkiewicza, bo bardzo podobal mi sie potop.
to jest po prostu rozrywka genetycznie wyhodowana do podobania sie polakom. nie czytalam je

ok ale czemu te końcowe sceny były takie krótkie jakby cała książka do tego zmierzała a później na 3 stronach cała akcja się skończyła pierdolne zaraz

to wcale nie było takie złe lol
pls dla Michałka to ja mogę 3 część tej trylogii przeczytać

„Kmicic intră printre cei dintîi în biserică, apoi fu împins spre capela minunilor... În capelă domnea un întuneric roșietic, pe care flăcările lumînărilor aprinse nu izbuteau să-l împrăștie cu totul... Icoana era și acum tot acoperită, așa că mulțimea aștepta cu răsuflarea tăiată. Se vedeau numai o

Pan Zagłoba jest iconic

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