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Debts of Honor

Mór Jókai

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .In our common world it is a merit, if someone dares to display to the public eye the fact that he still respects religion, and it is the duty of the law to protect him."

"Well, and how have I scandalized the good fellow?"

"Not long ago Mr. Sárvölgyi had a large Saint Nepomuk painted on the façade of his house, in oils on a sheet of bronze, and before the chief figure he was himself painted, in a kneeling position."

"I know: I saw it."

"From the lips of St. Nepomuk was flowing down in 'lapidarig' letters to the kneeling figure the following Latin saying: 'Mi fili, ego te nunquam deseram.'"

"I read the words."

"An iron grating was placed before the picture, and covered the whole niche, that infamous hands might not be able to touch it."

"A very wise idea."

"One morning following a very stormy night, to the astonishment of all, the Latin inscription had disappeared from the picture, . . . Read More

Community Reviews

Turn of the 20th century fiction about the cultural, spiritual and political life in Hungary. There is honor at the expense of reason, courage at the expense of wisdom, beauty at the expense of prudence. Many virtues can be found in Hungary's society at the time but they were all detached from one a