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Daniel Boone

John S. C. Abbott

Book Overview: 

This is a detailed biography of the life and adventures of Daniel Boone. His accomplishments are brushed over in history classes these days and not given the recognition they deserve. This biography clearly paints a picture of the benevolent person of Daniel Boone as well as the achievements he made in furthering European settlement in America.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .ight fiber were split into clap-boards, one or two inches in thickness, with which they covered the roof. If suitable wood for this purpose could not be found, the bark of trees was used, with an occasional thatching of the long grass of the prairies. Logs about eighteen inches in diameter were selected for the floor. These were easily split in halves, and with the convex side buried in the earth, and the smooth surface uppermost joined closely together by a slight trimming with axe or adze, presented a very firm and even attractive surface for the feet.

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In the centre of the room, four augur holes were bored in the logs, about three inches in diameter. Stakes were driven firmly into these holes, upon which were placed two pieces of timber, with the upper surfaces hewn smooth, thus constructing a table. In one corner of the cabin, four stakes were driven in a similar way, about eighteen inches high, with forked tops. Upon these two saplings were laid. . . Read More

Community Reviews

If you expected a book on only Daniel Boones life don’t read this. Way too much time spent on history before Daniel Boone. I found the authors writing style very irritating as in way too much detail on everything not related to Boones life.Some people might like this style but not for me!

A popular-format story of American frontier explorer and adventurer Daniel Boone.

Mostly covers the settling of Kentucky and the Indian wars.

The events described took place during the American war for independence. The slimy British were helping and supporting the Indians to attack the colonists in K

I read this on a nook, not a kindle, and every time that is true, I will say so in my reviews as a small protest to the notion that amazon has already cornered e-readers. Not yet, not yet.

Okay, so the book. I was torn as to how to rate this. First, you can see from the description that it is very br

This was an easy to read and enjoyable overview of Daniel Boone's life. Having family history that overlaps in a minor way with Boone's story, it was interesting to hear about this adventures and about the pioneering work that he did as opened up the mid-west to settlement. In spite of his legendary

In a James Michener tradition and style, Daniel Boone by John S.C. Abbott begins his history from the beginning; literally. The first few chapters of this biography outline the discovery and exploration of North and South America. In long and interesting chapters the development and settlement of th

A short biography, just giving the highlights.

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