"I don't know what the women are thinking of, these days," went on the old gentleman, putting another shovelful of coal on the fire with a careful hand. "Doctors and lawyers and even ministers, some of 'em! The Lord certainly set down a woman's duty pretty plain—she was to cleave unto her husband!"
"Some women have no husbands to cleave to, Father."
"They'd have husbands fast enough if they'd behave themselves," he answered. "No man's going to want to marry one of47 these self-sufficient independent, professional women, of course."
"I do hope, Viva," said her mother, "that you're not letting that Dr. Bellair put foolish ideas into your head."
"I want to do something to support myself—sometime, Mother. I can't live on my parents forever."
"You be patient, child. There's money enough for you to live on. It's a woman's place to wait," put in Mr. Lane.
"How long?" inquired Vivian. "I'm twenty-five. No man has asked me to marry him yet. Some of the women in this town have waited thirty—forty—fifty—sixty years. No one has asked them."
"I was married at sixteen," suddenly remarked Vivian's grandmother. "And my mother wasn't but fifteen. Huh!" A sudden little derisive noise she made; such as used to be written "humph!"
For the past five years, Mrs. Pettigrew had made her home with the Lanes. Mrs. Lane herself was but
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