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Book Overview: 

Cratylus discusses whether things have names by mere convention or have true names which can only be correctly applied to the object named and may have originated from God.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Hermogenes, of the correctness of names; and I should like to hear what Cratylus would say. 'But, Socrates, as I was telling you, Cratylus mystifies me; I should like to ask him, in your presence, what he means by the fitness of names?' To this appeal, Cratylus replies 'that he cannot explain so important a subject all in a moment.' 'No, but you may "add little to little," as Hesiod says.' Socrates here interposes his own request, that Cratylus will give some account of his theory. Hermogenes and himself are mere sciolists, but Cratylus has reflected on these matters, and has had teachers. Cratylus replies in the words of Achilles: '"Illustrious Ajax, you have spoken in all things much to my mind," whether Euthyphro, or some Muse inhabiting your own breast, was the inspirer.' Socrates replies, that he is afraid of being self-deceived, and therefore he must 'look fore and aft,' as Homer remarks. Does not Cratylus agree with him that names teach us the nature of things? 'Ye. . . Read More

Community Reviews

Cratylus takes the position of Heraclitus, that all things are in motion and flux. Words then become conventional signs, as it were, that point to something else. There is a measure of prior knowledge that is required for the sign to mean anything substantial and there is a measure of relativity inv

Nezaobilazno delo za razumevanje odnosa između reči i stvari. 

U ovom Platonovom dijalogu, sukobljene su dve strane – konvencionalistička i naturalistička. Prvu zastupa Hermogen, koji brani tvrdnju da reči proističu iz dogovora između ljudi, da su reči konvencija, dok drugi pogled, koji zastupa Krati

Κάθε έργο του Πλάτωνα που έρχομαι σε επαφή είναι μία αποκάλυψη! Πόσο ωραία πλέκει τη γνώση, με τέτοιο τρόπο [βήμα-βήμα] που το κάθε θέμα φαίνεται τόσο απλό αλλά και τόσο εντυπωσιακό.
Στον διάλογο αυτό, εξετάζει την προέλευση των ονομάτων. Δίνει σημασία στον ήχο των γραμμάτων και τη σύνθεση των λέξεων

Aunque es un texto corto, por momentos se vuelve bastante complejo de seguir para quienes, como yo, no tienen ninguna formación en griego antiguo. Las reflexiones sobre el rol de la etimología en la comprensión de la realidad de las cosas y las limitaciones del conocimiento a través del lenguaje me

The topic of Cratylus is the correctness of names – and hence the criteria that should determine the correct choice of name. On one side, Cratylus argues that there is a “correctness of name for each thing, one that belongs to it by nature”; on the other, Hermogenes stance is that the correctness of

Cratylus is one of Plato’s early-middle dialogues. It is somewhat puzzling for the modern reader, since much of the dialogue is taken up with fanciful folk etymologies of Greek words. Socrates is investigating whether the names of the Gods, heroes, citizens, or natural elements are meaningful, and i

On the importance of names and use of the right words and names

[Outside the Potts residence. JEREMY, JEMIMA, SOCRATES]

SOCRATES: Good day, young friends. May I inquire whether your father is at home?

JEMIMA: I’m sorry, Daddy is out.

JEREMY: He’s trying to sell an invention.

JEMIMA: Can we help you, Mr…?

SOCRATES: Socrates. My unworthy name is Socrates.


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