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The Confession
Mary Roberts Rinehart
Book Overview:
When Agnes Blakiston rented the old parsonage at Miss Emily's request she soon came to regret it. Was the house haunted? Did Miss Emily have a secret so terrible she would rather die than reveal it? To find the answers you will need to listen.
When Agnes Blakiston rented the old parsonage at Miss Emily's request she soon came to regret it. Was the house haunted? Did Miss Emily have a secret so terrible she would rather die than reveal it? To find the answers you will need to listen.
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"Who told you to come, Martie?" I asked.
"Told me? I don't have to be told to visit an old friend."
Well, he asked himself to lunch, and looked over the house, and decided to ask Miss Emily if she would sell an old Japanese cabinet inlaid with mother of pearl that I would not have had as a gift. And, in the end, I told him my trouble, of the fear that seemed to center around the telephone, and the sleep-walking.
He listened carefully.
"Ever get any bad news over the telephone?" he asked.
One way and another, I said I had had plenty of it. He went over me thoroughly, and was inclined to find my experience with the flour rather amusing than otherwise. "It's rather good, that," he said. "Setting a trap to catch yourself. You'd better have Maggie sleep in your room for a while. Well, it's all pretty plain, Miss Agnes. We bury som. . . Read More
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Community Reviews
Major characters:
Miss Agnes Blakiston, the summer tenant, and our narrator
Maggie, her maid
Willie, her nephew
Miss Emily Benton, the house owner
Anne Bullard, telephone operator
Martin Sprague, nerve specialist
Synopsis: Agnes Blakiston, as is her custom, seeks out a summer house rental in the country. S
A nice little mystery: it’s as if you were in the house yourself; I don’t usually listen to these sort of stories, but I like Mary Roberts Rheinhart so I thought I’d give it a go. Short story at about 4 hours listening
A Classic
Written as no novel is written today, with use of words and sentence structure long gone. The story is completely unpredicatable. The communication of emotions so real I could not put this down. I'm glad to finally know Mary Rinehart''s work, This is the first of her works I've read, certai
I've finished reading The Confession by Mary Roberts Rinehart. I think this is the third time I've read it through the years. Miss Rinehart was a master of suspense. The book drew the reader along, disclosing clues as the story progressed, until the ending which tied everything together. Needless to
Having never read any books by this author, I have to say it was an enjoyable classic mystery. I liked the creepy parts yet she added a touch of humor to the book at times. The characters were likable and this was an all around well written story.
It was a fairly short book that I was able to read i
A slightly terrifying little story. There were spots I wouldn't have stopped to go to sleep. At one point you even suspect the country doctor. She builds a confusing set of circumstances, and then gives a very good clue about halfway through. After that it was easy to figure out. It was a fun read t