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The Confession of a Child of the Century

Alfred de Musset

Book Overview: 

In this autobiographic novel, an aging man reflects on his past. We are witness to the relationships he has along the way, his mistakes, and finally- in the most unexpected and honorable way- the sudden development of his belief in god.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Be my friends, throw on the wound in my soul your corrosive poisons, teach me to believe in you."

While buried in these shadows, I allowed my favorite poets and text-books to accumulate dust. I even ground them under my feet in excess of wrath. "You wretched dreamers!" I said to them; "you who teach me only suffering, miserable shufflers of words, charlatans, if you know the truth, fools, if you speak in good faith, liars in either case, who make fairy-tales of the woes of the human heart. I will burn the last one of you!"

Then tears came to my aid and I perceived that there was nothing real but my grief. "Very well," I cried, in my delirium, "tell me, good and bad genii, counselors for good or evil, tell me what to do! Choose an arbiter and let him speak."

I seized an old Bible which lay on my table, and read the first passage that caught my eye.

"Reply to me, thou book of God!" I said, "what word hast thou for me?" My eye f. . . Read More

Community Reviews

يبدو أن البشرية كتبت تاريخها ذات مرة، وما انفكت إلى الآن تجتره بتنويعات عديدة.
كتبت هذه الرواية في مرحلة وقفت فيها أوربا منهكة على جثة هامدة خلفتها الحروب والنزاعات، وقد تم نشرها عام 1836 وقد بلغ دي موسيه السادسة والعشرين من العمر، منطقًا بطله (أوكتاف) باعترافات لا تحيل إلى الذنوب بقدر ما تحيل إلى ال

3,5/5 Une écriture vraiment magnifique et une histoire très émouvante. J’ai beaucoup aimé suivre la relation de ces personnages et la manière dont elle est impossible en raison de la santé mental de Octave (qui devrait aller en thérapie). Le personnage de Brigitte m’a beaucoup touché et le livre ava

"Un mes después (del parto), la encontramos en las Tullerías, en el baile, en la ópera; su hijo está en Chaillot, en Auxerre; su marido, en el lupanar. Diez jóvenes le hablan de amor, de afecto, de simpatía, de besos eternos, de todo lo que ella tiene en el corazón. Escoge a uno, lo estrecha entre s

A primeira metade do livro é maçante, mas a segunda metade é empolgante, tanto que você sente vontade de degolar o narrador. Rá! Agora só me resta ler o ponto de vista da George Sand para essa história.

Musset like many in the romantic movement was a figure who battled his demons. Though this is a testament and account of Musset's own hedonism, libertinism, and failed love affairs it also serves as a social critique of it's time. Le Mal Du Siecle(The Malady of The Century) or a romantic sense of En

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