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The Collected Works of William Butler Yeats - Volume 1

W. B. Yeats

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The Collected Works of William Butler Yeats - Volume 1 | W. B. Yeats

The Collected Works of William Butler Yeats - Volume 1

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The first volume of 8. A collection of poems by Irish author William Butler Yeats.
erse">Their children’s children shall say they have lied.



Cumhal called out, bending his head,
Till Dathi came and stood,
With a blink in his eyes at the cave mouth,
Between the wind and the wood.
And Cumhal said, bending his knees,
‘I have come by the windy way
To gather the half of your blessedness
And learn to pray when you pray.
‘I can bring you salmon out of the streams
And heron out of the skies.’
But Dathi folded his hands and smiled
With the secrets of God in his eyes.
And Cumhal saw like a drifting smoke
All manner of blessed souls,
Women and children, young men with books,
And old men with croziers and stoles.
‘Praise God and God’s mother,’ Dathi said,
‘For God and God’s mother have sent
The blessedest souls that walk in the world
[31]To fill your heart with content.’
‘And which is the blessedest,’ Cumhal said,
‘Where all are comely a
Leo 12/21/2017
Just looking at my bookcase and brushing off some old books covered in dust. Man how did I miss Yeats? Literary genius.
Manny 04/17/2010
My favourite piece of Yeats, which I've known since I was a teenager. I've never really figured out what it means, but I think it's wonderful all the same:Rose of all Roses, Rose of all the World!
You, too, have come where the dim tides are hurled
Upon the wharves of sorrow, and heard ring
The bell

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