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Jerome K. Jerome

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .iot, and then to swagger carelessly on to the platform, just in time to see the train go out!

As for the other class of clocks—the common or always-wrong clocks—they are harmless enough. You wind them up at the proper intervals, and once or twice a week you put them right and "regulate" them, as you call it (and you might just as well try to "regulate" a London tom-cat). But you do all this, not from any selfish motives, but from a sense of duty to the clock itself. You want to feel that, whatever may happen, you have done the right thing by it, and that no blame can attach to you.

So far as looking to it for any return is concerned, that you never dream of doing, and consequently you are not disappointed. You ask what the time is, and the girl replies:

"Well, the clock in the dining-room says a quarter past two."

But you are not deceived by this. You know that, as a matter of fact, it must be somewhere between nin. . . Read More

Community Reviews

Quick and funny - kind of weird it wasn't packaged in a collection as it's 20 Libby pages (ie small pages) only.

this work explores the unpredictable charm of time, societal emphasis on exaggeration in education and life, criticism of maintaining false appearances, cynicism about a world filled with pretense and lies, and a philosophical reflection on the transient nature of time as a passing dream. all in 28

for me he is second Oscar Wilde

Small and very very readable, and everything one expects of the author after reading the three men adventures - although in this only the protagonist figures along with his social interactions generally as necessary.

The chief interaction is with the clocks in general and a large grandfather clock i

So Jerome K. Jerome likes clocks. A lot. I guess. I... don't know what this book is. I don't even know if it's a book. It does make me wonder how high Jerome was when he wrote it. I mean, I do like my watch, but I don't really think that I could write 28 pages about it. I also don't think I'll ever