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The Cities of the Sun

Elizabeth Rachel Cannon

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Book Excerpt: 
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Gloom reigned in the palace and in the heart of Zara. The death of Abinadi seemed to portend evil. Alma was condemned to death, and guards were scouting the country for him, for he had disappeared. Zara was torn with fear, for she expected daily to see him dragged there in irons. Again she thought he had been secretly murdered, and this hunting for him was a pretense.

Then a message came to her. She sent for Amulon, who came gladly, for she had locked herself up in her apartments and refused to see him for days, while he, whose will was law, chafed like a chained lion. She was peculiarly gracious, and it was with difficulty he restrained himself, for his love for this maiden, who was the first who had ever opposed him, swept him off his feet.

"I have a favor to ask of you. Amulon, as always," she began.

"Which is already granted, if it lies within my power, princess."

"Ever am I. . . Read More

Community Reviews

Adapted stories from the Book of Mormon although I couldn't find any lds sources about the story about Ulric being stuck in the Pyramid of the Sun in Mexico.
In the story "West with the ships of Hagoth" the author fictionalizes the founding of Hawaii by two ship-wrecked occupants of one of Hagoth's