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The Chorus Girl and Other Stories
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
Book Overview:
Volume 8 of a collection of short stories by Anton Chekhov. The selection includes The Chorus Girl, A Gentleman Friend and A father, among others.
Volume 8 of a collection of short stories by Anton Chekhov. The selection includes The Chorus Girl, A Gentleman Friend and A father, among others.
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Then he took me to dinner, deciding fussily that I should live with him in the lodge, and have my meals from his mother.
"She is a bit stingy," he said, "but she won't charge you much."
It was very cramped in the little rooms in which his mother lived; they were all, even the passage and the entry, piled up with furniture which had been brought from the big house after the sale; and the furniture was all old-fashioned mahogany. Madame Tcheprakov, a very stout middle-aged lady with slanting Chinese eyes, was sitting in a big arm-chair by the window, knitting a stocking. She received me ceremoniously.
"This is Poloznev, mamma," Tcheprakov introduced me. "He is going to serve here."
"Are you a nobleman?" she asked in a strange, disagreeable voice: it seemed to me to sound as though fat were bubb. . . Read More
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always amazing.
Um autor que fiquei muito feliz por ter descoberto.
Lovely stories
O melhor contista de todos os tempos.
Tchekhov é considerado um dos maiores nomes da literatura russa do século XIX e dentro daquela ideia que já defendi aqui, que os clássicos devem ser lidos, escolhi este pequeno E-book, com seis contos, para iniciar-me no mundo do contista russo,
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I'll not get into the details as so many reviews have, as I'm not one to bore people with redundancy. The idea that as one edges closer to the end of his/her life, one can have moments of panic. I am speaking as an older lady myself.... I have just recently entered my 6th decade. We as older homo sa
اريد ان اكون رجلا ليوم واحد لكي افهم الفرق بين الزوجة ام الاطفال والعشيقة. من المذنب في هذه الثلاثية هل الرجل الخائن الوغد منعدم الضمير الذي يصرف ماله على مغنية او راقصة او لا اعرف...المال الذي من المفترض ان يصرفه على اطفاله او العشيقة التي قبلت على نفسها البقاء مع رجل يستغلها من اجل جسدها .ولا يعتب
Warmed up to the translation towards the end...more