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Chapters from My Autobiography

Mark Twain

Book Overview: 

Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) began writing his autobiography long before the publications of these Chapters from my Autobiography. He originally planned to have his memoirs published only after his death but realized, once he’d passed his 70th year, that a lot of the material might be OK to publish before his departure. While much of the material consists of stories about the people, places and incidents of his long life, there are also several sections from his daughter, which he calls “Susy’s biography of me”.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .mbered for many years on account of another service which he performed. He shot old John Brown's Governor Wise in the hind leg in a duel. However, I am not very clear about this. It may be that Governor Wise shot him in the hind leg. However, I don't think it is important. I think that the only thing that is really important is that one of them got shot in the hind leg. It would have been better and nobler and more historical and satisfactory if both of them had got shot in the hind leg—but it is of no use for me to try to recollect history. I never had a historical mind. Let it go. Whichever way it happened I am glad of it, and that is as much enthusiasm as I can get up for a person bearing my name. But I am forgetting the first Clemens—the one that stands furthest back toward the really original first Clemens, which was Adam.

From Susy's Biography.

Clara and I are sure that papa played the trick on Grandma, about the whippin. . . Read More

Community Reviews

“…by heredity and habit ours was a religious household, and it was a common thing with us whenever anybody did a handsome thing, to give the credit of it to Providence without examining into the matter. This may be called automatic religion—in fact that is what it is; it is so used to its work that

مهرماه 1:23

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An absolutely delightful trip into Mark Twain's life that gives insight to his "fictional" characters and exploits, many of whom were based on people Mark Twain knew and things that actually happened. I particularly enjoyed the excerpts from Susie's descriptions of her father written when she was fo

This is not a book that Mark Twain published. It is not strictly an autobiography. It is not a collection of chapters from a larger work published during the author's lifetime. So, what is it? This is a serial collection of remembrances and anecdotes by Mark Twain published between 1906 and 1907 in

“There is no such thing as a bad idea. It is impossible. We simply take a lot of old ideas and put them into a sort of mental kaleidoscope. We give them a turn and they make new and curious combinations. We keep on turning and making new combinations indefinitely; but they are the same old pieces of

O lectură spumoasă, umoristică, dar și emoționantă!

"Așa e viața. Suntem suflați în lume, plutim cu veselie în aerul de vară o vreme, etalându-ne, cu mulțumire de sine, formele grațioase și culorile delicate ale curcubeului, apoi dispărem tot dintr-o singură suflare, lăsând în urma noastră doar amint

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