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Catherine: a Story

William Makepeace Thackeray

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Catherine: a Story | William Makepeace Thackeray

Catherine: a Story

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s Mrs. Hall; and very early did the poor vain misguided wretch begin to reap what she had sown.

For a man, remorse under these circumstances is perhaps uncommon. No stigma affixes on HIM for betraying a woman; no bitter pangs of mortified vanity; no insulting looks of superiority from his neighbour, and no sentence of contemptuous banishment is read against him; these all fall on the tempted, and not on the tempter, who is permitted to go free. The chief thing that a man learns after having successfully practised on a woman is to despise the poor wretch whom he has won. The game, in fact, and the glory, such as it is, is all his, and the punishment alone falls upon her. Consider this, ladies, when charming young gentlemen come to woo you with soft speeches. You have nothing to win, except wretchedness, and scorn, and desertion. Consider this, and be thankful to your Solomons for telling it.

It came to pass, then, that the Count had come to have a perfect contempt and indifference for Mrs. Hall;—how should he not for a young person who had given herself up to him so easily?—and would have been quite glad of any opportunity of parting with her. But there was a certain lingering shame about the man, which prevented him from saying at once and abruptly, "Go!" and the poor thing did not choose to take such hints as fell out in the course of their conversation and quarrels. And so they kept on together, he treating her with simple insult, and she hanging on desperately, by whatever feeble twig she could find, to the rock beyond which all was naught, or death, to her.

Well, after the night with Tom Trippet and the pretty fellows at the "Rose," to which we have heard the Count allude in the conversation just recorded, Fortune smiled on him a good deal; for the Warwickshire squire, who had lost forty pieces on that occasion, insisted on having his revenge the night after; when, strange to say, a hundred

Bookdork 05/20/2021
A great first great work, by one of the great authors of Victorian era. The short work expounds the worst in the characters, and warns the reader in romanticizing scoundrels.
Ricardo 04/27/2015
Contrary to the author's express purpose, and despite his provoking tactics to that effect, this book, Thackeray's first novel, rather than dissuade me from scouting the passages of the heinous yet esteemed Newgate faculty, aroused my morbidness and consigned me to roam along the villains resurrecte
Lucy 12/16/2014
I was delighted with this. I want to do a complete Thackeray read, so I had to start with his first, although what I read about it didn't fill me with confidence. But it was very funny, I loved his authorial voice and despite what you may read, the plot works as well. OK, it's not as rounded as Vani
Jake 09/05/2012
Wow! What a pleasant surprise this novel was. I only read it because I got the complete works of Thackeray on my Kindle. It is my experience that first novel seem to be interesting at best or how-they-improved at worst. This, though, is an exception. Thackerary's first was extremely engaging, very f

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