Kidd received them in his cabin, and upon inquiry ascertained that the ship and cargo belonged to Mongol merchants; that they had intrusted the command to a Dutch captain, as was not unfrequently the case in those days, and that the French gentleman was merely a passenger accidently on board, passing from one port to another.
These tidings, to use a sailor’s phrase, “struck him all aback.” Holland, as we have mentioned, was England’s ally. The Great Mogul was England’s friend. Kidd must release the ship, or confess himself a pirate and an outlaw, and run the imminent risk of being hanged should he ever return to England. For a moment he seemed lost in thought, bewildered. Then his wicked mind, now rapidly descending into the abyss of sin and shame, rested in a decisive resolve.
Audacity of Kidd.—Fate of the November.—Kidd kills William Moore.—The Renowned Ballad.—Kidd’s Compunctions.—Kidd at Madagascar.—Piratic Carousals.—The Artificial Hell.—Kidd’s Return to the West Indies.—Exaggerated Reports of Avery.—His wretched Career, and wretched End.
Captain Kidd, with a piratic frown upon his brow, and piratic oaths upon his lips, turned to Mr. Le Roy and said:
“Do you pretend that this is not a French ship, and that you are but a passenger on board?”
“It is so,” Mr. Le Roy politely replied. “I am a stranger in these parts, and have merely taken pas
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