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Captain Salt in Oz

Ruth Plumly Thompson

131 ratings
Captain Salt in Oz | Ruth Plumly Thompson

Captain Salt in Oz

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A voyage on the famous Nonestic Ocean! What could be more thrilling than that? We—many of us—have taken trips on the prosaic Atlantic or even Pacific, but have we found a SEA FOREST with flying fish and swimming birds? Have we been pursued by a real SEA SERPENT, or had our ship transfixed by the immense ivory tusk of a NARWHAL? Have we come upon the glittering island of PEAKENSPIRE, or made friends with a charming talking hippopotamus? Yet all these things and more befall Captain Salt, one time Pirate and now Royal Explorer of Oz, and his merry crew. They come back with their hold bursting with unique and fascinating specimens, with their chart crowded with new islands, all claimed for Ozma of Oz!
going out!"

"And a good thing, too," panted Ato, who was close behind him. "What in tarry barrels are you fixing to do with it, Sammy?"

Roger, sensible bird that he was, stayed long enough to douse the two buckets of water on the smoking deck, then he, too, made a bee line for the galley. He was just in time to see Samuel lift the lid of the range and slide the baby down on top of the hot coals. No sooner had the squat infant touched the glowing fire than it stopped yelling at once and began to purr and sing like a teakettle set on to boil.

"Well, I'll be swizzled!" gulped Ato, and snatching a wet dish towel from the rack, he wound it round and round his aching head. "Whatever made you think of that?"

"It's my scientific mind," the Pirate told them blandly. "The proper place for any infant that size is bed and I naturally figured that a fire baby belonged in a fire bed, and a bed of hot coals was the nearest to it, so here it is!" Winking solemnly at Roger, who was regarding the little Lavaland Islander with fear and loathing, Samuel picked up the poker and gave the baby an affectionate poke. "It'll do fine here," he predicted happily, "and prove beyond a quibble that volcanos are inhabited."

"It'll do nothing of the sort!" exploded Ato, bringing his fat fist down with a resounding thump on the drain board. "You may be the Captain of the ship, Sammy, but I'm the boss of this galley, and that fire baby will have to go. GO! Do you understand? How'm I to cook with the ugly little monster lolling all over the fire bed and like as not falling into the soup when my back is turned?"

"Hark!" interrupted Roger. "More trouble! Something's up, Master Salt, and it's not an eruption either." And Samuel had to agree with him as groans, moans, shrieks and hisses came whistling after the flying ship.

AyesalyaM 06/22/2022
The plot is unequivocally well-writen, books are totally addictive.
Derek 12/13/2021
I think this is the worst Oz book I've ever read. I never cared for Captain Salt as a character and in this book I found him to be really annoying. I still love the Read Bird with my heart, but not even the Read Bird or Tandy could save this book! Not to mention the glaring colonialism that this boo
Christopher 07/06/2021
A good book but not a GREAT book. Great characters and nifty adventures. The plot and story structure could have used a little work. Maybe a better editing job. Otherwise, pretty darn good.
As far as Oz goes? I suppose this was the "Oz cruise" story in which we got secondary character development.
Elena 08/29/2013
I guess the grass is always greener. The first book of the series to not include a trip to the Emerald City. Somehow it felt incomplete without this piece of the puzzle even though I've previously grown tired of the predictable endings in the previous books.

Also it's hard to shake the uncomfortable
Travis 08/05/2010
A retired pirate, a talking bird and a King who'd rather be a cook are the crew of a very cool ship and act as 'Royal Explorers' for Ozma of Oz, discovering new lands and peoples.
Along the way , they take on a cabin boy, who is in fact an exiled Prince, a talking hippo and save a small island kingdo
Troy 12/01/2009
As a whole colorful and inventive. I have a special love for books that are traveling adventures, especially by sea. This one is over the rainbow, but exciting. My biggest complaint is that the characters are so very flat. I think such a thing can happen when you make a point to note that it

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