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The Border Legion

Zane Grey

Book Overview: 

The story of a cold hearted man named Jack Kells who falls in love with Miss Joan Randle, a girl his legion has taken captive near the Idaho border. (Summary by Wikipedia)

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .I'll introduce you... Joan, here are two of my friends—Sam Gulden and Red Pearce."

Gulden grunted something.

"Mrs. Kells, I'm glad to meet you," said Pearce.

Just then the other three men entered the cabin and Joan took advantage of the commotion they made to get out into the air. She felt sick, frightened, and yet terribly enraged. She staggered a little as she went out, and she knew she was as pale as death. These visitors thrust reality upon her with a cruel suddenness. There was something terrible in the mere presence of this Gulden. She had not yet dared to take a good look at him. But what she felt was overwhelming. She wanted to run. Yet escape now was infinitely more of a menace than before. If she slipped away it would be these new enemies who would pursue her, track her like hounds. She understood why Kells had introduced her as his wife. She hated the idea with a shameful and burning hate, but a moment's reflection taught. . . Read More

Community Reviews

For a big chunk of this book I felt like I wasn’t enjoying it, but then in the end I kind of loved it. Overlong, melodramatic, somewhat plotless, but it has a great atmosphere and some really gripping set pieces.

Only a good Western of a mindless romance can make me read until my eyes hurt.
This was great! I had absolutely no idea what to expect going into it (no back of the book to read), so from the get-go I didn’t know who Joan would end up with. Truthfully, I was disappointed that there wasn’t some incred

Not perfect, but it did so many things right! It almost pains me not to give it 5 stars, but I'm too stubborn to.

The beginning was easily a solid 5 stars, focusing mainly on the uneasy dynamic between Joan and Jack Kells. I loved being in her head as she figured out ever-changing ways to handle him

This fast paced novel is unlike many of Grey's earlier works in that he is not so concerned about the description of the landscape as he is about the probing of man's nature, particularly when that nature is affected by outside influences such as peer pressure, possible affluence, and evil. The comp

By the end of this book, I was rooting like crazy for Joan Randle. Grey made her very real. As always, his descriptions of the western landscape were wonderful. This is a story of the world famous Alden Creek gold rush, and I recommend it to anyone who likes westerns.

Even consistently good authors have so-so books.

Written in 1912, it reflects its time period. The heroine is spunky and virtuous, the villains are horrible but capable of redemption. It is a fun read, especially if you want to slip away to yesteryear.

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