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The Book of Snobs
William Makepeace Thackeray
Book Overview:
The necessity of a work on Snobs, demonstrated from History, and proved by felicitous illustrations:—I am the individual destined to write that work—My vocation is announced in terms of great eloquence—I show that the world has been gradually preparing itself for the work and the man—Snobs are to be studied like other objects of Natural Science, and are a part of the Beautiful (with a large B). They pervade all classes—Affecting instance of Colonel Snobley.
The necessity of a work on Snobs, demonstrated from History, and proved by felicitous illustrations:—I am the individual destined to write that work—My vocation is announced in terms of great eloquence—I show that the world has been gradually preparing itself for the work and the man—Snobs are to be studied like other objects of Natural Science, and are a part of the Beautiful (with a large B). They pervade all classes—Affecting instance of Colonel Snobley.
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Community Reviews
"Knjiga o snobovima" predstavlja zbirku tekstova, clanaka koje je Vilijam Mejkpis Tekeri pisao u jednogodisnjem periodu od 1846. do 1847. godine, a izlazili su u casopisu Panc, poznatom po svojoj satiricnoj noti.
Nekada je snobizam bio karakteristican za oznacavanje pojedinaca na lestvici medjuklasno
ვიქტორიანულ ეპოქას კარგად თუ არ იცნობ, ამ წიგნის თავების უმეტესობა არარელევანტურია დღევანდელობასთან მიმართებით. თან ჩვენს ეპოქაში განსაკუთრებით.
И вновь опять Одноэтажная Америка. Произведение-дневник, суть которого можно передать в одной главе (что собственно и происходит последняя глава раскрывает главный вопрос лучше, чем какая-либо другая, и ее прочтения будет достаточно для ознакомления). Немного несправедливо оценивать данную работу ка
Any literary-minded American young person, particularly those of an Anglophilic bent, will discover Punch magazine at some point in their adolescence and probably think to themselves, "why is this considered funny?".
This book anthologizes weekly columns Thackeray wrote for Punch in 1847-48 - of cour
The Book of Snobs is a collection of weekly columns written in 1848 for Punch magazine By William Makepeace Thackeray. Thackeray may not have invented the word “snob”, but the idea of an upwardly mobile mercantile middle class desperate to appear better born than they had been was still quite new in