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The Book of All-Power

Edgar Wallace

Book Overview: 

The Book of All Power by Edgar Wallace is set in London at the beginning, and then the action moves to Russia. The story covers the period from 1910 to 1919 during which the Russian Revolution takes place and this results in drastic changes to Russian society. This book could be described as a romantic adventure story and the main characters are a weird assortment - Malcolm Hay, a young Englishman, a beautiful Grand Duchess of the Russian Aristocracy, a Russian general, a Jewish bookbinder, and an American sharp shooter. Much happens, and the Russian characters, heavily influenced by their religion and politics, provide a fascinating insight into the mind of the Russian people, aristocrats and peasants, and all those in between.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .ve-faced young man who had sat on the seat of the royal carriage facing the girl; and instinctively he knew that this was Prince Serganoff, though in what relationship he stood to the Grand Ducal pair he had no means of knowing.

"The heir is Prince Serganoff," said the old man slowly, "and his Highness is an ambitious man. Many things can happen in our Russia, little lady. If the Grand Duke were killed——"

"Impossible!" She sprang to her feet. "He would never dare! He would never dare!"

[Pg 53]

Kensky spread out his expressive hands.

"Who knows?" he said. "Men and women are the slaves of their ambition."

She looked at him intently.

"He would never dare," she said slowly. "No, no, I cannot believe that."

The old man made no reply.

"Where did you learn this, Israel Kensky?" she asked.

"From a good source, Highness," he replied evasively, and she nodded.

"I know you w. . . Read More

Community Reviews

A smart and intriguing adventure with romance and pathos. Very readable. Set in pre and post revolutionary Russia. A great escape.

Here's the thing: if you are into old school sci-fi/thriller novels (and I mean 19th century stuff, like Wells, Verne, Doyle...) this is definitely the type of book for you. For one, this guy has written as many or more books that have been adapted into movies than any of those other three. What's m

A Book For Today

Taking place in Ukraine and Russia this book portrays both the similarities and the differences of these two alien lands. It is a fun adventure story that shows to never give up hope.

Lots of fun word play, in English and Russian. Dastardly villians and bold comrades who never give u

This book almost had me so confused in the first few chapters I almost gave up on it owing to the characters that were hard to keep track of and the ill-explained backstory of the Russian revolution lingering in the background. The book picked up at about the one-third mark when the roles of the cha

Edgar Wallace, one of the top mystery/thriller authors of his time, takes us to the Russian Revolution. We follow a 22-year-old man on his first assignment for a Russian-English oil company as he becomes embroiled in intrigue and romance involving a beautiful Grand Duchess, American mobster Cherry B

A high-spirited romp through the Russian Revolution with the aid of more coincidences than you can shake a stick at and a good dose of dramatic licence. The pace of the writing sails you past the thin bits and there's enough plot to keep you going, though it gets telegraphed to you a few times too o

Great Read

A little slow at the beginning, but it picked up quickly. Once I familiarized myself with the Russian character names it took off.