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The Blue Envelope

Roy J. Snell

57 ratings
The Blue Envelope | Roy J. Snell

The Blue Envelope

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A mystery and adventure story for girls set in Alaska.
e or four years I've seen them go 'outside,' old beyond their years, half-blind with snow-blindness, or worse; broken in body and spirit. I only hope it does not happen to him. But what's all the mystery, I'd like to know?"

She gave a sudden start. For the first time she realized that he had not given her his name.

"And I promised to personally conduct that mysterious mail of his!" she exclaimed under her breath.



Two months had elapsed since the mysterious college boy had passed on north with his dog-team.

Many things could have happened to him in those months. As Marian sat looking away at the vast expanse of drifting ice which had been restless in its movements of late, telling of the coming of the spring break-up, she wondered what had happened to the frank-eyed, friendly boy. He had not returned. Had a blizzard caught him and snatched his life away? The rivers were overflowing their banks now, though thick and rotten ice was still beneath the milky water. Had he completed his mission north, and was he now struggling to make his way southward? Or was he securely housed in some out-of-the-way cabin, waiting for open water and a schooner?

A letter had come, a letter in a blue envelope, and addressed as the other to Phi Beta Ki. That was after Lucile's return. Lucile had been away to the Nome market with her deer herd when the first letter had come, but had now been home for a month. The two of them had laughed and wondered about that letter. They had put it in the pigeon-hole, and there it now was. But Marian had not forgotten her promise to take it with her in case the boy did not return before she left the Cape.

Now, as she watched-the restless ocean, she realized that it would not be many days before it would break it

Mbuye 11/15/2023
Published in 1922, this remarkable tale of two girls marooned on an iceberg between Russia and Alaska seems almost incredible. This is a survivalist tale, and usually such tales had in mind boys or young men as a target audience. The girls, two cousins keeping house for their father and brother, go
Teri 08/18/2020
of course i loved this charming story...mystery adventure and exotic places but most of all i loved it because it was written by my grandfather....He actually wrote more like 84 books of which only a few are listed here.
Jane 07/21/2020
Although the author insists in the foreword that this story is possible, I still found it highly unlikely and improbable! Set mainly in the Alaskan wilderness in the early 1920s, two girls of about eighteen spend a winter there alone, one as a schoolteacher; the other an artist, making drawings of t
Faith 12/14/2019
A very good book this was indeed!
Two girl cousins- Lucile and Marian- embark on an adventure to Siberia so Marian can paint the natives and thus earn money by selling her sketches and paintings to attend a professional art school.
Vivid descriptions are drawn throughout of the vast ice-covered bodie
Angie 03/29/2018
The only real disappointment I had with this book was how quickly and abruptly it ended; we went from 60 to 0 in about three pages. Although the story is set up like a mystery, it plays out more like an adventure, and after spending the entire book wondering about the strange blue envelope, it was a
Carol 06/02/2014
This book, an oldie that had that quality of innocence, yet so much high adventure--would two teenage girls really, honestly be alone in that environment in those days? Beyond the fact that I don't really think so, I'd like to think maybe I'm wrong :-)

I loved the decriptions and the heart-pounding a
Thimbleberry 11/27/2013
Quite enjoyed this. Interesting story of travel in Alaska, by women, in the last century.

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