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Black Jack

Max Brand

Book Overview: 

The son of a notorious outlaw is adopted into a wealthy, law-abiding family as an infant after his father is killed in an attempted robbery. Will he follow in the footsteps of his outlaw father or will his life be guided by the respectable woman who nurtured him to manhood? Another exciting tale by the master of the pulp western, Max Brand.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .All these other things have entered into your make-up. They're just as much a part of you as his blood."

"Ah, yes," said Terry. "But blood will tell!"

It was a mournful echo of a thing she had told him a thousand times.


She went straight down to the big living room and drew Vance away, mindless of her guests. He came humming until he was past the door and in the shadowy hall. Then he touched her arm, suddenly grown serious.

"What's wrong, Elizabeth?"

Her voice was low, vibrating with fierceness. And Vance blessed the dimness of the hall, for he could feel the blood recede from his face and the sweat stand on his forehead.

"Vance, if you've done what I think you've done, you're lower than a snake, and more poisonous and more treacherous. And I'll cut you out of my heart and my life. You know what I mean?"

It. . . Read More

Community Reviews

I loved the set up but honestly the women characters were such pushy moralizers I found myself rooting for the protagonist to go outlaw just to spite them.

Blood may be thicker than water but this doesn't always protect it from the mortal sin of greed. Elizabeth Cornish takes an orphaned baby under her wing and vows to her brother Vince that she would make a good and decent man out of this boy with an outlaw father. For twenty-four years, Terry Colby t

A classic by one of the Masters

I found this book and couldn't put it down. The old western novels were the best. Max Brand knew how to tell a story, twist and turns when you thought the story was going one way it folded.back on itself to another avenue. Even though there was intrigue there was a sen

This book annoyed me; it was so different from any Max Brand book I had read before. In the first three chapters, I almost put the book aside, because the story seemed obvious, but it turned out that I was wrong, and the book took some twists and turns I hadn't expected, but it kept leading me back

Listened to the audiobook. I liked it. Didn't realize it was so old (I don't have the summaries available to review while I'm driving) and the old-fashioned formal style was a bit agonizing. (e.g. The face of Terry.... He grabbed the arm of Elizabeth....) I kept revising the sentences in my head as

Black Jack is a grand western adventure story told by a masterful story teller Max Brand. I shall give a more detailed review tomorrow.
Enjoy and Be Blessed.

As always, an excellent Western by Max Brand. It was a bit slow in the beginning, but then it picked up. The subject in this book is a bit different and the hero of the book is almost going bad.

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