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The Black Fawn

Jim Kjelgaard

Book Overview: 

Bud Sloan was an orphan who had been 'sold out' of the orphanage to work on a farm once he'd been old enough to labor. The farm where he was to work was owned by an aging farmer and his wife who had raised a large family and were now left alone.

One day, after his chores were done, Bud wandered into the woods nearby and with mouth agape, he noticed a newborn jet black fawn all alone and apparently confused in his new surroundings. Bud resolved that day that this baby fawn was just like himself, an orphan, and would be bound to him in spirit. But many obstacles would keep the two separated, and the black fawn would eventually become the target of the local hunters.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .It was hard when the weapons were glasses of cold milk and big wedges of pie, smiles, tender glances and soft words, and when the enemy seemed to know exactly what you were thinking. But Bud had no intention of letting himself be deceived.

Gramps, who was nowhere in sight when Bud entered the kitchen, appeared presently with a jointed fly rod that had a reel attached to the reel seat.

"Try this on for size," he said.

He placed the butt end of the rod in Bud's hand, and the boy tightened his fingers around the cork grip. The tip swayed downward. When Bud jerked it up, it collided with a chair and the rod bent in an arc before he could swing it away. Bud stood there frightened, not knowing what to do and not daring to move. The rod undulated and quivered like a live thing that had a mind and a will of its own. It seemed to defy control.

"It ain't a club," Gramps said. "Don't grab it like one. Let me show you."

He took the rod f. . . Read More

Community Reviews

A sweet story about Bud, a 12 year old orphan boy, sent out to work and live at the farm of an elderly couple. After having their eleven grown children move away from the farm, they had lots of love to give to a boy with a needy heart. Gram’s cookies and delicious meals fill the story with homey goo

I like Kjelgaard's books but this one resonated with me particularly. A orphan, probably raised in the city, going to a farm in the woods and learning to fish, hunt, and appreciate the land, even raising his own chickens. Hunting is about respect, sportsmanship, and actually a far less cruel death t

Very good read.

Twelve-year-old Alan, an orphan, is sent to the Bennett farm. The Bennett's eleven children are grown and have left home and Gramps believes he needs help with the farm. After introductions where the kind Bennett couple let him know they prefer to be called Gram and Gramps and Alan prefers to be cal

Bud (Alan), an orphan kid, was sent to the Bennett's house where he would be raised. Gramps made him do chores around the farm and while he was weeding the beans he saw a forest and he promised himself that, as soon as he got the chance to he was going to go into that forest. Then the next day afte

I loved the book “The Black Fawn” by Jim Kjelgaard! This story begins as Bud, still being an orphan at age 12, gets taken under the wings of an old couple who like to be called “Gram” and “Gramps.” He quickly wanders off into the forest near their home where he finds a black fawn. From the moment he

I actually read the paperback book version in middle school (not an ebook), and enjoyed the details about the main character's farm life. It was interesting to see how he reconnects with the deer going from little fawn to clever buck.

A feel-good book about hunting and fishing. Also recommends knocking teenagers unconscious when they mouth off. The title character hardly features in the story. It takes one page -- JUST ONE PAGE -- for the orphan hero to go from anti-hunting to pro-hunting.

Too unrealistic? Remember a little thing

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