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The Belle's Stratagem

Hannah Cowley

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Grisettes that pace your Mall on a Sunday.

Sav. And has Miss Hardy nothing of this?

Doric. If she has, she was pleased to keep it to herself. I was in the room half an hour before I could catch the colour of her eyes; and every attempt to draw her into conversation occasioned so cruel an embarrassment, that I was reduced to the necessity of news, French fleets, and Spanish captures, with her father.

Sav. So Miss Hardy, with only beauty, modesty, and merit, is doom'd to the arms of a husband who will despise her.

Doric. You are unjust. Though she has not inspir'd me with violent passion, my honour secures her felicity.

Sav. Come, come, Doricourt, you know very well that when the honour of a husband is locum-tenens for his heart, his wife must be as indifferent as himself, if she is not unhappy.

Doric. Pho! never moralise without spectacles. But, as we are upon the tender subject, how did you bear Touchwood's carry. . . Read More

Community Reviews

I read this as a suggestion for my theater troupe to possibly perform. It's fun and has some great characters, and of course a masquerade is always ripe for mistaken identity comedy. It would need some heavy editing for a modern performance, though, for both length and content.

Maybe 3.5. Quite fun, but not massively memorable.

If I was a British aristocrat in the 1780s I probably would have loved this play. The plot is humorous, the writing witty, and the characters super fun. The only problem is that this play is unreadable without footnotes present. Fortunately, I had access to footnotes so I was able to look up the man

there’s not much to say without spoiling the plot, but i genuinely enjoyed the mentions of chastity and gentility in their society and community. i do also appreciate the rather vivid differentiation between characters at times.

في المسرحية مساران لمسألتين، الأولى - وهي أساس المسرحية - عن لتيتيا التي ترفض الزواج برجل لا يرى فيها أكثر من جسد جميل فتقرر أن تحول نظرة هذا الرجل بخطة تبدو غريبة إذ تؤمن أن تحويل الكراهية إلى محبة أسهل من تحويل الإهمال إلى شغف، الأخرى عن السيدة تَچوُود و زوجها الذي لشدة غيرته لا يدعها تخرج من دونه

While not at the apex of 18th-century British dramatists, Hannah Cowley ranks high enough to make for pleasurable reading today. This is certainly the case with her most popular play, The Belle's Stratagem. It has also been revived in recent years, chiefly because (I think) of its feminist theme, a

You know university and all

So, I read the original version of this play from the 1700's with little to no editing done to it. This was definitely not a smooth, quick read. I did, however, enjoy the play. It has a lot going on involving marriage, disguises, British nationalism, complicated feelings of love. I recommend it if y

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