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The Beautiful and Damned

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Book Overview: 

It tells the story of Anthony Patch (a socialite and presumptive heir to a tycoon’s fortune), the relationship with his wife Gloria, his service in the army, and alcoholism.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .He gave all his Greek books to his landlady, and his sword he sent in a golden sheath to the King of France, and all his mementos of Ireland he gave to the young Huguenot who sold fish in the street where he lived.

"Then he rode out to St. Voltaire's, slew his horse at the door, and presented the carcass to the monastery cook.

"At five o'clock that night he felt, for the first time, free—forever free from sex. No woman could enter the monastery; no monk could descend below the second story. So as he climbed the winding stair that led to his cell at the very top of the Tower of Chastity he paused for a moment by an open window which looked down fifty feet on to a road below. It was all so beautiful, he thought, this world that he was leaving, the golden shower of sun beating down upon the long fields, the spray of trees in the distance, the vineyards, quiet and green, freshening wide miles before him. He leaned his elbows o. . . Read More

Community Reviews

F. Scott Fitzgerald is a brilliant stylist… He is full of wicked irony and he depicts his hero or his fictional alter ego as an ironic young man…
As you first see him he wonders frequently whether he is not without honor and slightly mad, a shameful and obscene thinness glistening on the surface of t

Fitzgerald wasn't joking with that title. These people were completely screwed from the moment they hit the page, and it was fascinating to watch it all disintegrate. As I mentioned in the review I just finished for
Tender is the Night
, I found Anthony and Gloria to be some of the more unsympath

"The Beautiful and Damned" is the perfect title for this novel, as well as for the author's life with his wife Zelda.

This is Fitzgerald's second novel, and he had become wealthy and famous. His protagonist and his wife--Anthony and Gloria Patch--move in a circle of rich, hard-drinking sybarites, wh

"E questo mi ha insegnato che non si può avere niente, non si può avere assolutamente niente. Perché il desiderio inganna. È come un raggio di sole che guizza qua e là in una stanza. Si ferma e illumina un oggetto insignificante, e noi poveri sciocchi cerchiamo di afferrarlo: ma quando lo afferriamo

A deeply flawed book. A good amount of editing would've greatly improved this book. However, Fitzgerald was coming off his huge success with "This Side of Paradise", so the publisher allowed him to publish this very uneven piece of work. This was the final Fitzgerald novel that I have read, and by f

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