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Audrey Craven

May Sinclair

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Audrey Craven | May Sinclair

Audrey Craven

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Audrey Craven is a beautiful young woman who has by her idiosyncracies acquired a thoroughly undeserved reputation for originality. In fact, Audrey is a shallow, selfish, malleable person of negligible intelligence, with a fastidious horror of anyone who might be considered a nobody. Her pursuit of the stimulation of extraordinary minds (and her persistent fantasy of being somebody’s Muse) brings her into contact with serious women and men representing the profoundest passions of art, religion, science, and love. The question is, will these encounters prove to be her salvation, or will her vindictive self-centeredness damage the ardent lives she touches?
ffic is subdued to a murmur hardly greater than the stir of country woods on a warm spring morning—a murmur less obtrusive, because more monotonous. It is the place of all others for one absorbed in metaphysical speculation, or cultivating the gift of detachment. The very chimney-pots have a remote abstracted air; the slopes of the slates rise up around you, shutting you in on three sides, and throwing you so far back on yourself; while before you lies the vast, misty network of roofs, stretching eastward towards the heart of the city, and above you is the open sky. It is even pleasant here on a day like this, a day with all the ardour of summer in it, and all the languor of spring, with the sun warming the slates at your back, and a soft breeze from the river fanning your face. You must go up on to the leads on such a[Pg 66] day to feel the beauty and infinity of blue sky, the only beautiful and boundless thing here, where there is no green earth to rival heaven.

Ted had certainly no taste for detachment, but he was so far advanced towards metaphysical speculation that he was engaged in an analysis of sensation. Off and on, ever since that day of unreasonable mirth and subsequent madness, he had been a prey to remorse. He had kept away from Audrey for a fortnight, during which time his imagination had run riot through past, present, and future. Audrey had been sweet and confiding from the first; she had believed in him with childlike simplicity, and when she had trusted to his guidance in her innocent

Roderick 12/26/2023
I found this book interesting but not as absorbing and full as Anne Severn and the Three Sisters. Her concept is thought-provoking of a young woman who is a cameleon - trying on different ideals or passions to reflect who she is with.
Lucy 06/21/2022
What a remarkable dissection of character this is: it's to be hoped that May Sinclair hadn't done what Wyndham is guilty of doing. I can't recommend this enough as a work to make you think about yourself and your motivations.
Tettey 05/10/2015
katherine hired may sinclair to assassinate audrey's character.

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